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Presentation on theme: "NUTRITION EDUCATION PROGRAM"— Presentation transcript:

JUNE 2017 UPDATE Thank you for your time and attention today for this important transition in WebNEERS and a few other updates. We will begin by discussing the transition from WebNEERS Behavior Checklist and Kentucky Additional Questions to WebNEERS Food and Physical Activity and Kentucky Behavior Questionnaires.

CONGRATULATIONS PROGRAM ASSISTANT SENIORS Anita Boyd Donna Ridener Ruth Ann Kirk Stacy Smith Judy McGuire Brenda Williamson Rhonda Reynolds Heather Shaw Vernell Sheets Melissa Webb Sherry Becknell Joni Phelps Reda Fugate Velma Mullins Tracey Turner Kacy Wiley Margie Hernandez

3 OBJECTIVES Integrated Approach Clear Understanding Timing
The objectives include; You will gain a clear understanding of an integrated approach to the transition for best outcome for your families as well as fairness to the program assistants and program assistant seniors. You should gain a clear understanding of the process in preparation, during the transition and activities needed in 2018 for completion of the transition. We will share a projected timeline for each step of the transition.

4 Don’t get excited! When you think it through, it becomes a very minor issue for most of you.
Steps for: Current enrolled participants Participants enrolled June, July, and the first part of August Participants enrolled the last part of August and September We will discuss the steps in each of the different circumstances.

5 ADULT NEERS TITLES The Current Tool Behavior Checklist
Kentucky Additional Questions New Tool Food and Physical Activity Behavior Questionnaire Kentucky Behavior Questionnaire June Draft version and Finalized 2018 version

6 Try to graduate before or by September 30th.
Current enrolled participants should already have an entry Behavior Checklist and Kentucky Additional Questions entered in WebNEERS. Try to graduate before or by September 30th. Hold extra classes to meet the core requirements. If something happens, the enrolled participant and food recall will migrate to 2018 WebNEERS. Current adult enrolled participants Including the Kentucky Additional Questions

7 Design class schedule to ensure enough time to graduate participants.
Adult participants enrolled June & July and graduating by September 30th For participants enrolled in June and July who will graduate by September 30th - Use the current behavior checklist and the current Kentucky Additional Questions. Design class schedule to ensure enough time to graduate participants. If something happens, the participant entry information and food recall will migrate to the 2018 WebNEERS.

8 Adult participants enrolled June, July, and first part of August being rolled over into 2018
For participants enrolled in June, July and the first part of August, who will be rolled over into Use a new hard copy Food and Physical Activity Behavior Questionnaire and KY Behavior Questionnaire dated June 2017 draft.  Place the hard copy of the June 2017 Draft Food and Physical Activity and KY Behavior Questionnaires in the corresponding participant folder for later use. Complete participant entry enrollment and food recall as usual and enter into WebNEERS (this information will migrate into the 2018 system). Remember, do not use the Behavior checklist or Kentucky Additional Questions as it will not rollover to 2018. When WebNEERS opens for 2018 data entry mid - November, the Food and Physical Activity and KY Behavior Questionnaires will appear.   The state NEP staff will announce at that time the procedure for using the June 2017 hardcopy version of the Food and Physical Activity and KY Behavior Questionnaires. Mid-November or later has traditionally been the release date of the reporting system

9 Adult participants enrolled last part of August and September
For participants enrolled in the last part of August and September - Use the new hard copy 2018 Food and Physical Activity and KY Behavior Questionnaires in place of the draft versions dated June. Place the hard copy of the 2018 Food and Physical Activity and KY Behavior Questionnaires in the corresponding participant folder for later use. Complete the entry enrollment and food recall as usual and enter into WebNEERS (this information will migrate into the 2018 system). Remember, do not use the Behavior checklist and the KY additional questions as they will not rollover to 2018. When WebNEERS opens for 2018 data entry mid - November, the Food and Physical Activity and Kentucky Behavior Questionnaires will appear.   You will find the corresponding participant in WebNEERS and enter the 2018 Food and Physical Activity and Kentucky Behavior Questionnaires enrollment data.

10 Don’t get excited! When you think it through, it becomes a very minor issue for most of you.
Questions for: Current enrolled participants Participants enrolled June and July graduating by September 30th Participants enrolled June, July, and the first part of August, being rolled over into 2018 Participants enrolled last part of August and September A program assistant or senior could use only one, two or even all of the options.

11 SNAP Administrators Meeting
May 24, 2017 We provided a training for SNAP program specialists and regional administrators Shared information and resources about Cooperative Extension and the UK Nutrition Education Program including the work of program assistants. Margie Hernandez presented success stories in addition to Marisa and Debra sharing about the program. Sharing multiple approaches and one of the approaches will be offering the same presentation to local SNAP office staff As soon as that is completed, the area agent will notify you as to how the contact will proceed with the local office – no action is needed by program assistants at this time We are excited about this opportunity and we have a foot in the door and we look forward to making progress with your local SNAP offices

12 Nutrition Education Program
NEP Office is moving New Address Nutrition Education Program 1500 Bull Lea Road Suite 130 Lexington, KY 40511 The move will take place the week of the 12th, we will try and maintain a completely operational office, especially with expense and travel vouchers.  We will be sending you a new directory and the phone numbers should be active during the move, if you cannot reach your initial intended NEP staff member, please try another individual until you get an answer. 

13 June reimbursement mailing deadlines which are to be mailed to:
 1500 Bull Lea Rd. Suite 130 Lexington, KY   Receipts dated June 1st – June 13th must be U.S. postmarked by June 13th. Receipts for programs June 14th – 23rd must be U.S. postmarked by June 23rd.  Receipts dated June 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 cannot be processed by the State NEP office and will be a county expense.  Plan your end-of-year activities accordingly and pre-purchase as much as possible.  

14 Travel June travel must be submitted in myUK TRIP by assistants, and also scanned and ed to our office by 10:00 a.m. on Friday, June 23rdand approving supervisors must approve in the TRIP system by 2:00 p.m. a reminder to approving supervisor upon travel submission. ** There should be no travel during the last week of June. That time is for completing reports, family files, and data entries for 3rd quarter reports.  Travel must be scanned and ed to both; Kathleen Crozier,   Molly Tabor, Keep the originals on file at your county office. If not traveling the last days before the deadline, please go ahead and submit travel voucher and monthly reports earlier. Note: if on Annual Leave during the deadline, submit travel reports before your Annual Leave. There is no flexibility in the deadlines.  If you miss the deadlines; UK won’t get paid, thus there would not be Federal funds to pay you and the cost would return to the county. Use the last week of time to complete your family folders and get your NEERS data entry completed. Your 3rd quarter reports are due July 15th.

15 Reimbursement for copies
Copy reimbursement numbers must be entered into KERS SNAP-Ed reporting by June 16th.  Estimate the number of copies you will need for SNAP-Ed programming for June and enter that number by June 16th.  Remember, this reimbursement is sent quarterly to County District Boards and is part of your annual SNAP-Ed budget ($1,800 for Nutrition Program Assistants and $2,100 for county agents at 15¢/copy). Plan to ensure all procedures, deadlines & approvals are completed on time.

16 DATES TO REMEMBER JULY 6: Supervising Agents Training via ZOOM
JULY 15: 3rd Quarter Reports DUE AUGUST 3: Program Assistant Senior (NEP Office) Week of AUGUST 21: Expect training on new Food and Physical Activity Behavior Questionnaire and the new Kentucky Behavior Questionnaire. ALTARUM TRAINING SUPERVISING AGENTS (in KERS) Sept 19 – Hardin County Sept 20 – Laurel County Sept 21 – Clark County OCTOBER 4: Supervising Agent Training on Assistant Performance Evaluation via ZOOM OCTOBER 5: NEP Training for Program Assistants and Seniors (Bowling Green) OCTOBER 10: NEP Training for Program Assistants and Seniors ( Embassy Suites Lexington) These trainings will focus on 2018 Performance Evaluation, Curriculum Updates and Facebook Use Nov 28, 29, 30: Fall Training (Lexington)



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