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How to Fill Out Your MMS Choice Sheet

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Presentation on theme: "How to Fill Out Your MMS Choice Sheet"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Fill Out Your MMS Choice Sheet

2 Identifying Information
White Label = Do Nothing! No White Label = Print & Write Legibly Signatures are Required!

3 Required Courses All students must take English Language Arts, Social Studies, & Science

4 Physical Activity Choices
P.E. Boys P.E. Girls Dance Please circle one choice

5 Math vs. Advanced Math Math – 6th grade curriculum
Adv Math – Accelerated. 6th grade & half of 7th grade curriculum Must score “Masters Grade Level” on the Math STAAR test

6 Electives Number your choices 1-5 in order of your preference
We REALLY try to get you your top choices but sometimes we need to move down the list. 1 2 3 4 5

7 Band It’s not too late to join band! Please contact Mr. Leflet if you missed the Instrument Placement Event.

8 When & How to Return Your Choice Sheet
Each school in different. Please check with your school counselor or homeroom teacher about when and how to return your choice sheet.

9 Until Next Time, Future McCormick Tigers!

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