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Intentional Leadership Tools

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Presentation on theme: "Intentional Leadership Tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intentional Leadership Tools
Leading Organizations Organizational Change Model Leading Others Practical Leadership Skills MBTI: Team Building Leading Self Personal Change Model MBTI: Self Development Executive Coaching Talent Management

2 Developing “Talent” David Knipping EMBA 512

3 Quiz Question #1 Discussions about Talent Development tie back to which individual listed below? Peter Drucker Lawrence Peter Peter Pan Peter Benchley

4 Who and What are we talking about?

5 Talent Management Acquire Perform Develop

6 Talent Acquisition

7 What does a hiring manager need in a candidate?

8 Individual | Partner | Group
You are going to hire a Project Manager Individual | Partner | Group What do you need?

9 #1 _____________ #2 _____________
Hiring Managers Need: #1 _____________ #2 _____________

10 Let’s buy a house together.


12 Interview Fact Research indicates that over 60% of interviewers underprepare for the interview


14 The best predictor of future behavior is
_________ ________.

15 Managing Performance CONTENT “What” PROCESS “How” Job Objectives

16 What is the best solution?
Performance Appraisal What is the best solution?

17 Polarity Management Individual Accountability Teamwork

18 Talent Assessment Mike Lombardo Bob Eichinger & (Lom–inger)

19 The key traits are listed below.
Learning Agility Learning Agility is the ability to learn from first-time experiences and adapt to changing conditions. The key traits are listed below. Is self-aware – understands own strengths and weaknesses Is curious beyond own area of expertise and seeks new challenges Seeks and uses feedback to improve behavior Is Comfortable with ambiguity and has a tolerance for risk

20 Quiz Question #2 Bob and Mike came to the following conclusion about the general population as a result of their research: __% Naturally demonstrate learning agility __% Have the capability, but don’t allow traits to come out often __% Traditional learners 20, 70, 10 10, 60, 30 30, 50, 20

21 Lominger 9 Box Model PERFORMANCE OVER TIME
Who will be the future leaders of our business or organization? LEARNING AGILITY

22 Unproven or Inconsistent Performer
HIGH PERFORMANCE OVER TIME 3 High Pro 2 Adaptable Pro 1 Consistent Star 6 Functional Performer 5 Core Performer 4 Future Star 9 Low Performer 8 Unproven or Inconsistent Performer 7 Potential Diamond LEARNING AGILITY LOW HIGH

23 Let’s try out a quick assessment
First rate on your own Then discuss in teams and gain consensus Then back in class

24 Why not just focus on High Performers?
71% of High Performers are not High Potentials, however 93% of High Potentials are High Performers “Peter Principle” Corporate Leadership Council 2005

25 Talent Management Summary

26 Journal Activity Think back through the November module and capture the top 2-3 things you are going to utilize from these sessions.

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