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TEORI KAUNSELING: TEORI KOGNITIF Teori Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT) Tokoh teori: Albert Ellis,

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Presentation on theme: "TEORI KAUNSELING: TEORI KOGNITIF Teori Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT) Tokoh teori: Albert Ellis,"— Presentation transcript:

1 TEORI KAUNSELING: TEORI KOGNITIF Teori Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT) Tokoh teori: Albert Ellis,


3 Pandangan terhadap manusia dan punca masalah # Manusia mempunyai pemikiran rasional dan tidak rasional # Gangguan yang wujud dalam diri adalah disebabkan pengaruh pemikiran negatif atau tidak rasional # Apa yang ditanggap dan perkataan yang dihujahkan mempengaruhi diri Perlakuan dipengaruhi oleh perasaan dan sebaliknya

4 Punca Masalah menurut Pendekatan Kognitif /Pemikiran: diganggu fikiran yang negatif atau tidak rasional (mengecewakan, menyedihkan, naikkan kemarahan)

5 Matlamat Utama Pendekatan Kognitif /Pemikiran: Bantu klien kenalpasti fikiran yang negatif (mengecewakan, menyedihkan, naikkan kemarahan), bantu hentikan pemikiran negatif

6 Peranan kaunselor # Kaunselor mengarah, aktif dan berperanan sebagai guru # Kaunselor melakukan konfrontasi dan membuat pembetulan ke atas fikiran dan kepercayaan tidak rasional

7 Irrational Ideas/Beliefs
Irrational ideas lead to self-defeating behavior Some examples: “I must have love or approval from all the significant people in my life” “ I must perform important tasks competently and perfectly.” “If I don’t get what I want, it’s terrible, and I can’t stand it.”

8 Irrational Ideas/Beliefs
MUST be loved and approved by those who matter. MUST be competent, adequate, achieving. People who act obnoxiously and unfairly are bad, or wicked and deserve blame. It is a CATASTROPHE when things do not go our way. Emotions CANNOT be controlled or feelings changed.

9 MUST be anxious about things that seem dangerous or fearsome.
It is best to avoid difficulties and responsibilities. The past determines our feelings today. People and things SHOULD be better than they are. Maximum happiness is through passively enjoying ourselves.

10 Teknik 1. Analisis A-B-C-D A = Peristiwa/pelakuan (objective facts, event, behaviour) B = Kepercayaan (Personal Beliefs) C = Kesan Emosi (Emotional Consequence) D = Dispute irrational beliefs (kenalpasti bicara diri negatif & tukar) 2. menggabungkan teknik tingkah laku 3. Bibliotherapy- beri buku atau bahan bacaan 4. Latihan gambaran 5. ‘Gempur malu’

11 The A-B-C Theory

12 Ellis’s Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT): eliminates self-defeating beliefs through rational examination

13 Questions

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