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Tayib Hussain Mrs. Hank’s All-Stars Room 18 March 7-11, 2016

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1 Tayib Hussain Mrs. Hank’s All-Stars Room 18 March 7-11, 2016
Here’s what we are working on! Dates to Remember Monday, March 7 No School Casmir Pulaski Day Wednesday, March 9 Library Books Due Friday, March 11 Reading/Spelling/Math/Phonics Test Homework Due Reading: We will be reading fiction story called A New Friend and a nonfiction story called Symbols of our Country. We will be focusing on understanding characters. Our essential question will be, What can you learn from someone who is from another country. Phonics/Spelling: We will be finding words with the dipthong sound ou like out and ow like wow. Upcoming Events Friday, March 25-April 1 Spring Break Math: We will be working on measurement. We will measure objects with non standard units. Language: We will learn about Synonyms and contractions. Social Studies/Science We will continue to learn about important African Americans and their contributions,. Unit Important Information No March Birthdays We would like to welcome our new student Romel! Star Student of the Month Tayib Hussain First Grade T-Shirts Extension A note went home last week about our first grade t-shirts. Please consider showing your first grade pride! The money is due Wednesday, March 9. Cash only. Please check your child’s folder for more information.

2 Students with the most 100% AR Tests
Anything! ALL STARS can do Things to know…. First grade T-shirt money due March 9th Book It Forms Due March 31 No School March 25-April 1 Students with the most 100% AR Tests 1st Paris 2nd Chioma 3rd Rachel 4th Imani 5th Russell 6th Alanna 7th Tayib 8thJada 9thDaMya 10thDylan Week 26 All-Star Spelling Words Dipthong ou/ow 1. ouch 2. cow 3.found 4. town 5. power 6. city 7. family 8. party 9. myself 10. school . All Star Knowledge! Today we learned about synonyms! Ask your child if they can name a synonym for happy, or sad. Week 26 Challenge Spelling Words 1. ouch 2.cow 3. found 4. town 5. power 6. city 7. family 8. party 9. myself 10. school Please Sign up for Remind 101 Send a text to 81010 with the l

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