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NACC Personnel NACC Director : Bud Kukull

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Presentation on theme: "NACC Personnel NACC Director : Bud Kukull"— Presentation transcript:

1 NACC Personnel NACC Director : Bud Kukull
Computing Systems Director: Duane Beekly George Thomas Mark Bollenbeck Janene Hubbard Mary Jacka Kristen Schwabe-Fry Joylee Wu Research Group Director: Merilee Teylan Kathryn Gauthreaux Nicole Barlow

2 The NACC Database Uniform Data Set (UDS) Centers’ Data FTLD Module
LBD Module Minimum Data Set (MDS) Centers’ Data Neuropathology Data Set (NP) Genetic Data APOE ADSP ADGC NCRAD 1000 Genome Collab. Projects Data Sets Biomarker & Imaging CSF DNA Research sMRI Amyloid PET Tau PET Other AD grants’ archived data sets

UDS data DNA, blood, brain tissue Eligible subjects UDS data8 7 Genotype data ADGC Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium Philadelphia GWAS Genotyping DNA, blood NCRAD National Cell Repository for AD Indiana Genotype data IDeA Lab Imaging of Dementia & Aging, UC Davis MRI images MRI data ADCs 27 U.S. Alzheimer’s Disease Centers NIAGADS GAAIN NACC National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center Seattle


5 Armada Data Flow – Toolbox Data
Sent to Armada Researchers Center transfers data from IPAD to local database 3 files/subject Centers collect data on IPAD using NIH Toolbox IPAD data combined with UDS data Files are finalized. Processed in to NACC current database Centers checks files and remove any PHI data Center transfers files to NACC Error checking NACC database Working database If errors contact center No PHI data and correct PTID No File errors Files with errors

6 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Examiner administers NIH Toolbox batteries to participant Cognition, Emotion, Motor and Sensation Data is exported from the NIH Toolbox App Four export options, documented in the Administrator’s Manual Data download contains set of 3 .csv files: Registration Data Assessment Scores Assessment Data Please refer to the Export Data section of the NIH Toolbox Administrator Manual (B.4.4) for instruction on how to export data from the NIH Toolbox app. Each site is free to use the export method that works best for them. All exports are the same, regardless of the method used.

7 ARMADA data submission at NACC
When you export from the NIH Toolbox App, please use the default file name, which contains export timestamp and export type (e.g. “ Registration Data.csv”) Please only export new assessments since the last export (using the “Never Exported Setting” on the data screen export) and only upload data to NACC once. File Names. Each of the 3 exports from the NIH Toolbox iPad app will have a pre-set name that includes information about the date and the time of the export, and which file is being exported. These will always follow this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Export Type.csv YYYY-MM-DD: Year, month, day of export HH:MM:SS: Hour, minute, second of export Export type: Registration Data, Assessment Scores, or Assessment Data It is critical that these file names are not changed. The pre-set export format is required by NACC’s data upload system, and names in other formats will not be accepted for upload. Selecting Assessments to Export. Each time you export data from the NIH Toolbox, you will be able to select the participant (Participant Identifier) and assessment you would like to have exported. Please select only new assessments since the last export, using the Never Exported setting on the data export screen.

8 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Before upload to NACC, verify: No PHI data “PIN” = PTID “NAME” = ADCID (For non-ADC’s, your NACC-assigned site id) “ASSESSMENT_NAME” is one of: “ARMADA Baseline” “ARMADA 12 months” “ARMADA 24 months” “ARMADA Retest” Examiners were told this, but please verify and correct if necessary. Data that does not meet these requirements cannot be accepted into the NACC database.

9 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Retaining Assessments We request that you store a back-up copy of each export that is uploaded with NACC in a secure, HIPAA compliant location. We recommend keeping a log where the date, assessments, and participants included in each export are recorded.

10 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Submitting ARMADA data to NACC Login File uploads Error checks Finalize Reports Download

11 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Login: To get a NACC web account, send an to requesting a username and password, specifying ARMADA grant and your Center.

12 ARMADA data submission at NACC
NACC Home: Select ADCs

13 ARMADA data submission at NACC
NACC Home Select ADCs Select ARMADA

14 ARMADA data submission at NACC
NACC Home Select ADCs Select ARMADA Login dialog

15 ARMADA data submission at NACC
NACC Home Select ADCs Select ARMADA Login dialog Select your Center

16 ARMADA data submission at NACC
NACC Home Select ADCs Select ARMADA Login dialog Select your Center Select “Please click here to enter…”

17 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Left side menu options: Upload Error Checks Finalize Reports Download Documentation

18 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Left side menu options - expanded

19 ARMADA data submission at NACC
1 ARMADA data submission at NACC Upload a file: 1. Select “UPLOAD FILES” in left menu 2. Select “Upload ARMADA Data” in left menu 3. Select “Browse” in main window to bring up a file browser for file selection 4. Select “Upload!” 1 2 3 4

20 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Upload a file, verify type of uploaded file Header rows are checked Primary keys are checked Unrecognized fields are discarded If no errors then select “Add to ARMADA Working Database using Batch Input”

21 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Upload a file, possible sources of error: Filename does not end in .csv Filename contains special characters: # $ ^ & * < > ? PIN is longer than 10 characters Registration file NAME value does not match ADCID Assessment Name does not match one of the following: ARMADA Baseline, ARMADA 12 Months, ARMADA 24 Months, ARMADA Retest

22 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Upload a file, no errors: Enter your Select “Start Batch Job” The file is put into a queue for loading into the Working Database

23 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Upload a file: Summary report is sent by

24 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Error Checking Select “ERROR CHECK” to expand left hand menu Select ARMADA Data Error Check Report is shown in web browser 1 2

25 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Error Checking, possible errors: Assessment is missing 1 of the 3 file types. Demographic data in Registration file not matching UDS data.

26 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Finalizing to Current Database Select “FINALIZE” to expand left hand menu. Select “Finalize Data” to view report Select “Copy Forms using Batch Input” Report lists errors and any visits that pass errors 3 1 2

27 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Finalizing to Current Database Select “FINALIZE” to expand left hand menu. Select “Finalize Data” to view report Select “Copy Forms using Batch Input” Enter and select “Start Copy Forms Batch Job” 4

28 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Finalizing to Current Database Summary report is sent by

29 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Center Reports 1. Select “REPORTS” in left hand menu 2. Select “Center Reports” 3. Select report to view. 3 1 2

30 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Center Reports Summary report is displayed in PDF

31 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Downloading Data 1. Select “DOWNLOAD DATA” in left hand menu 2. Select output format (CSV, etc.) 3. Select type of data to view 4. Select working/current database 5. Select “Download … File” 3 4 1 2 5

32 ARMADA data submission at NACC
Downloading Data The next page will display a link to the data file

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