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Socio-Economic Indicators Project

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1 Socio-Economic Indicators Project
2011 BC Oil & Gas Conference September 7, 2011 Presented by Ellen Frisch On behalf of OnPoint Consulting and CSCW Systems Corporation

2 Presentation Overview
What is socio-economic impact monitoring? Why ? What are linkages to other engagements? How will the project be undertaken? How is our community involved? What next?

3 What is it? Identification of important future concerns
Selection of indicators to measure the success of the decisions intended to influence the concerns Identification of data to statistically create indicators; may or may not already exist Collection, Monitoring, Decision Making

4 Why ?? © Tundra 2011

5 Traditional Resource Community Development Cycle
“boom and bust” cycles in communities supporting forestry, mining and oil and gas activities Planning for infrastructure and community economic, social and health needs is difficult the vagaries of economic prediction participants that experience economic fortune at different times. challenges of coordination among key stakeholders.

6 Shale Gas Development in the NRRM
Horn River, Liard and Cordova shale resources are vast Over the next several decades, the natural gas industry will be investing billions to develop these shale resources NRRM believes that industry is focused on responsible resource development and maximizing the return from shale resources

7 Community Effects of Shale Gas Development
Shale development promises to fundamentally reshape communities in the NRRM Rapidly growing population Transient labor pool Physical infrastructure pressures Social infrastructure pressures Similar pressures as those faced by Fort McMurray

8 NRRM Vision Working in partnership with industry, provincial and federal governments and First Nations to create a thriving and vibrant community NRRM has the vision to become the Northern Natural Gas Service Centre Take a proactive approach to managing for development

9 Linkages NRRM recently completed Official Community Plan
Update community planning and vision. Action and planning on directed areas of development (e.g. Airport, housing forms and density, etc.) Social & Economic Indicators Project: Long-term, monitoring of broad data sets; How are actions, decisions influencing the community in key areas? Monitoring the charted course to achieve the vision.

10 Socio-Economic Monitoring Project
NRRM is developing a Socio-Economic Monitoring Project Purpose: monitor needs, facilitate cooperation, and support growth in the community. NRRM has budgeted funding, federal funding in place and the provincial government is a keen participant We are asking for your support and ongoing participation in the project to make it a success

11 CSCW Systems NRRM is working with CSCW Systems to develop the indicators project. CSCW Systems are experts in building collaborative decision systems to support the use of measures to strengthen and manage multi-stakeholder projects

12 What: Monitoring Project Principles
“You can’t manage what you don’t measure” Monitoring key social and economic indicators is a core requisite to planning and managing development. In multi-stakeholder long term projects, individual interests can best be coordinated through a common lens created from a series of agreed indicators.

13 How: Project Components
1. Establish Indicators and collect data 2. Develop database to house indicator data 3. Create web-based viewing and collaboration system

14 Key Project Questions What indicators are required by the stakeholders to support their individual lenses? Can we create an analytic lens for the community? What is the process for collaboration between participants? What data is collected? How is the data shared? How is the data used?

15 Project Overview Advisory process Conduct project
Determine key data indicators Data collection Data processing, categorization & presenting Analysis of data to gain insights and answer specific questions to be formulated Use information to: measure impacts; inform decision-making; and develop and implement policies and programs

16 Status – Next Steps Project initiated, collecting initial perspectives data from NRRM residents, businesses and organizations – September 2011 Advisory group operational – October 2011 Data collection and analysis – September to March 2012 Use of data – Ongoing

17 Project Timeline Use of Data Ongoing
Analysis of data to gain insights and answer specific questions to be formulated Use of Data Ongoing Data processing, categorization & presenting Data Collection and Analysis Sept – March, 2012 Determine key data indicators Advisory Process Oct, 2011 Community Perspectives Project Initiated Sept, 2011

18 Your Views Today 10 Minutes; Review questions, make notes
10 Minutes; Place thoughts on sticky notes Circulate through room Group review and discussion Close

19 Data Collection Questions
Areas of Interest: Housing, Transportation, Basic Municipal infrastructure (water treatment, waste water treatment and landfill), Health Care, Education, Social Services, Policing, Environment, Employment Your Concerns and Interests regarding: Working life Home/Personal life Community Your Priority Concerns/Interests 5 years 10 years

20 Thank You Please return questionnaires during the session; or
Mail directly in stamped envelope Additional questionnaires available at NRRM offices.

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