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God’s Plan for Man’s Redemption (1) Part 2

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1 God’s Plan for Man’s Redemption (1) Part 2

2 God’s scheme of redemption Some times we need to step back and get the bigger picture Romans 15:4, Whatever things were written before are for our learning

3 God’s Plan from Eternity
Isaiah 46:10, declaring the end from the beginning 2 Tim. 1:8-9, Titus 1:1-3, which God promised before time began Galatians 4:4, “the fullness of time.”

4 God’s Plan - A Concise Timeline of the Bible
Eterni ty Eterni ty Abraham BC Jesus Dies 30 AD Mt. Sinai 1500 BC Judgment David 1000 BC Creation

5 In the Beginning Genesis 1:26, 2:7 – man created in His image - Man has a soul Eccl. 12:7 - Man has freewill Josh. 24:15 Genesis 2:16-17 – man forbidden to eat of tree of knowledge of good and evil Had man not sinned, the word would be complete “And they lived happily ever after”

6 But man sinned Sin is transgression of God’s law 1 John 3:4 Sin will separate us from God Isaiah 59:2 Genesis 3:1-7 – Satan lied to Eve, she partook of forbidden fruit and gave to Adam and he partook – Adam and eve sinned!

7 Because man sinned Death came to man – Gen. 3:19, Rom. 5:12, 1 Cor. 15:22 Spiritual death – Jas. 1:14-15 Gen. 3:15 – the promise of redemption announced, the seed of woman would crush the head of Satan

8 The Seed Promise Genesis 12:1-3, 22:17-18– a promise to Abraham “In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 26:4 to Isaac, “In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 28:13-14 to Jacob “in you seed all the families of the earth will be blessed” Gen. 49:8-10, as Jacob blesses Judah, “the scepter shall not depart from Judah…until Shiloh comes.

9 Moses raised to deliver
Exodus 1-3 Pharaoh and ten plagues in Egypt, Exodus 4-10 the land decimated, but Pharaoh still refuses to let Israel go The 10th plague – death of the first born – Exodus 11-12 “When I see the blood, I will pass over you” Exodus 12:13 Israel obeys and is delivered

10 Moses raised to deliver
Exodus 14, Israel comes to the Red Sea The Egyptians are pursuing them and the people complain 14:10-12 Moses says, “Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.” (14:13) Israel crosses through water (the Red Sea) miraculously to their salvation “So the LORD saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians” Ex. 14:30-31

11 Exodus 20:1-17, the 10 commandments given to Israel
The Law of Moses Exodus 20:1-17, the 10 commandments given to Israel Also the Law of Moses given at Sinai Exodus, Leviticus – instructions for the tabernacle, various sacrifices including sin and trespasses offerings Blood demanded to atone for sins – Heb. 9:22

12 The wrath of God appeased for another year (cf. Heb. 10:1-4)
The Law of Moses Leviticus 16, the day of atonement, see vs. 30 Atonement – to appease or satisfy (propitiate) On that day the high priest - washed himself (16:4) - sacrificed for himself (16:6, 11) - two goats presented – one sacrificed as a sin offering for the nation (16:9) one became the scapegoat (16:10, 20-22) The wrath of God appeased for another year (cf. Heb. 10:1-4)

13 David and his throne For about 500 years Israel typically rebelled against God. Punished, but not removed from His sight. (His seed promise has yet to be fulfilled) King Saul – Israel’s first king – becomes wicked and is rejected David is chosen a man after God’s own heart. (1 Sam. 13:14, Acts 13:22). He is of the tribe of Judah. A good king but with flaws!

14 David and his throne 2 Samuel 7, David inquires of Nathan to build a house for God 7:11-16, “…I will set up your seed after you…your throne shall be established forever.” The seed promise is revisited

15 Apostasy in Israel After David dies, Solomon his son, reigns as king He begins godly but eventually gives into lusts and falls. 1 Kings 11:11-13, he is condemned BUT his monarchy will continue BECAUSE of the promise to David. After Solomon dies the kingdom is divided into 2 nations - Judah and Israel

16 Apostasy in Israel Israel is never loyal to God. Jeroboam sets up a false religion (1 Kings 12) that becomes part of their downfall 2 Kings 17:5-23 records their sins as they fall to Assyria in 722 BC Judah continues with single dynasty from David until Jeconiah (approx. 350 years – 19 kings) when Judah is taken away to Babylon for their sins and wickedness. They are in captivity for 70 years and the return by the hand of God (but not as glorious as before) Why deliver Judah? God has yet to fulfill His seed promise to Abraham and the throne promise to David

17 The prophets Prophets were messengers of God sent to teach and to warn. Most written prophets came during the divided kingdom Their message was typically one of doom as they called for repentance. Israel never listened Judah did occasionally Some were sent to foreign nations

18 The prophets In the midst of the messages of doom, prophets presented a ray of hope. Prophecies were made of a coming kingdom of peace and a messiah (deliverer) Jeremiah 31:31-34 – a new law Isaiah 2:2-3 – a kingdom for all will begin in Jerusalem Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 – a suffering Savior As the Old Testament is completed the promise to Abraham and David is yet to be fulfilled – But it is not forgotten!

19 In these things we see the nature of God and a plan that He has fulfilled – in Christ Jesus and His kingdom (church)

20 His plan is for your eternal destiny– will you accept His invitation?

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