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I. Jamestown Settlement

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1 I. Jamestown Settlement

2 A. Turning Point: Spanish Armada
Why were the English unsuccessful before in their colonization attempts? Spain attempts to invade England with their giant fleet, called the Spanish Armada. English win sea battle and instantly become as powerful/strong as Spain. Effect on North America: England can devote all of its ships toward colonization efforts.

3 B. Basic Information Established in May of 1607 by the Virginia Company Group landed off the coast of present-day Virginia, went up the river (named it the James). Why? How many total settlers? What were they hoping to do? Why is it important? Why is it not the first settlement?

4 Jamestown Settlement

5 Video Watch the videos and answer the following questions:
Why did Jamestown struggle so much at the beginning? How did John Smith attempt to change the colony? Why was it important? How did Jamestown finally become successful?

6 C. Early Struggles Poor relationships with local American Indians – the Powhatan Confederacy Very powerful – in between 14,000 – 20,000 members Frequent conflict, raids from both sides. Lack of supplies/effort: What were they lacking? Result: 2/3 die by December 1607; 38 remain

7 D. John Smith’s Leadership
Explored Virginia, didn’t find gold or silver, and pushed colonists to start farming/making goods to sell in England. Forced colonists to work throughout the hard times: “Starving Time” – winter of : Motto: “that he that will not work shall not eat…” Forced colonists to work, and progress began

8 Guided Practice “My comendations remembred, I hartely [wish] your welfare for god be thanked I am now in good health, but my brother and my wyfe are dead about a year pass’d And touching the busynesse that I came hither is nothing yet performed, by reason of my sickness & weakness I was not able to travel up and down the hills and dales of these countries but doo now intend every day to walk up and down the hills for good Mineralls here is both gold silver and copper to be had and therefore I will doe my endeavour by the grace of god to effect what I am able to perform” -Jamestown settler, ) In the very first sentence of Sebastian Brandt’s letter he mentions that his “brother and wyfe are dead aboute a year” and does not mention them again. How does this matter-of-fact statement help us understand conditions faced by settlers in Virginia in the early 1600s? 2) What conclusions can you draw about Brandt knowing that he continued to search for precious metals after most Jamestown settlers were involved in agriculture?

9 E. Cultural Clash Relations between Indians & settlers grew worse.
Why? : First Anglo-Powhatan War De La Warr (governor of colony) and future governors continued strict leadership, but also made war on the Indians. Raided villages, burned houses, took supplies, burned cornfields. Indian-English conflict continued until 1646, which separated the groups.

10 F. Economic Improvement
1614 – Arrival of John Rolfe Marries Pocahantas, daughter of Powhatan in truce between the two sides Rolfe brings tobacco to the colony for the first time: 1618: Jamestown produces 20,000 pounds of tobacco 1625: Jamestown produces 1.5 MILLION pounds of tobacco Headright system: Virginia Company agrees to give land out to new settlers to incentivize people to come. 100 for males, 50 for women and children.

11 Independent Practice There were several reasons why the Jamestown colony went from the brink of extinction to being successful. Identify the key turning point/most important reason the colony ended up succeeding. Explain why you made this choice in a paragraph using the AEC.

12 Exit Ticket In London, the initial promoters of Jamestown encouraged colonists to focus on a. the long-term success of the settlement. b. building a family-centered community. c. developing peaceful relations with the Indians in the area. d. the search for gold.

13 Exit Ticket 2) Captain John Smith helped Jamestown survive when he A. divided the duties and privileges of leadership among several members of a council. B. imposed work and order on the colony. C. ended raids perpetrated on neighboring Indian villages to steal food and kidnap natives. D. divided the colony's profits among the stockholders.

14 Exit Ticket 3) Why was Jamestown able to succeed after such a harsh beginning?

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