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TIPS: Team Initiated Problem Solving

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1 TIPS: Team Initiated Problem Solving
Review Status and Identify Problems Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Develop and Refine Hypotheses Implement Discuss and Select Solutions Collect and Use Data Four year grant funded by U. S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences Goal: Develop a “problem-solving model” for school teams that results in active use of data to (a) define problems, (b) build solutions, and (c) transform solutions into practical action plans. Context: Every school has teams Teams are being expected to do problem solving Select curricula Get training and implement new ideas/programs Provide efficient leadership “Communities of Practice” Teams need to report data to staff, families, administration, district, state Teams NEED data to do good problem solving. Most teams are not skilled at running problem solving meetings and using data for decision-making. Anne Todd, University of Oregon Celeste Rossetto Dickey, University of Oregon TIPS: Team Initiated Problem Solving Newton, J.S., Todd, A.W., Algozzine, K, Horner, R.H. & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon unpublished training manual.

2 Acknowledgements Steve Newton, Anne Todd, Kate Algozzine, Rob Horner & Bob Algozzine University of North Carolina University of Oregon

3 Today’s Goals Overview of TIPS Data Management System: ISIS-SWIS
Learn elements of Meeting Foundations Build roles for team Meeting Foundations Checklist Electronic meeting minutes Understand the Problem Solving Model Data-based Decision-making rules Defining “problems” with precision Building practical solutions Data Management System: ISIS-SWIS Questions Participants will span the range of roles including team members, coaches and trainers, and some will have a combination of roles. Today we want teams/coaches to understand how the Meeting Foundations Checklist and Meeting Minute form are used to support team functioning and sustainability. Be able to use the TIPS problem solving model to simulated SWIS summary data. Review specific goals above.

4 TIPS Study: Todd et al., 2011 Meeting Foundations Score School A
Journal of Applied School Psychology Baseline Coaching TIPS Meeting Foundations Score School A Solid = SW PBIS meetings Open = progress monitoring (DIBELS) meetings School B % DORA Foundations Score School C School D

5 TIPS Study: Todd et al., 2011 Thoroughness of decision-making scores
Journal of Applied School Psychology Thoroughness of decision-making scores Baseline Coaching TIPS School A Solid = SW PBIS meetings Open = progress monitoring (DIBELS) meetings % DORA Thoroughness Score School C School D

6 What do we need? A clear model with steps for problem solving
11/14/2018 What do we need? A clear model with steps for problem solving Access to the right information at the right time in the right format A formal process that a group of people can use to build and implement solutions. To use data for progress monitoring and for decision making we need to engage in problem solving that provides access to the right type of current data, a system/process for using those data and strategies for using those during the problem solving process. Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B

7 Building Capacity and Sustainability
Hold effective meetings that use data to problem solve and plan AND that result in positive student outcomes Building Capacity and Sustainability For Social Competence, Academic Achievement, and Safety OUTCOMES Team-based, documentation, regular communication cycles SWIS DIBELS Aims Web Easy CBM SYSTEMS INFORMATION Meeting Foundations Meeting Minute Format Problem solving routine Building Capacity and Sustainability using the TIPS model to: 1. Conduct effective, efficient meetings when using SWIS data for problem solving and decision making. 2. Implement and evaluate solutions that result in positive effects on student achievement, social behavior and safety. a. The Information system is the use of the School Wide Information System. The data are current, accurate, believable b. The Practices include the use of the meeting minute form and the problem solving process c. The System is the implementation of Meeting Foundations, the TIPS model, and the documentation of decisions, action plans, and evaluation plans PRACTICES Supporting Staff & Student Behavior and Decision Making

8 Improving Decision-Making via Problem Solving
Action Planning & Evaluation Problem Solving Problem Solution Steps in the problem solving model. (this is a linear version of the inside circles of the TIPS model). Information/ Data

9 TIPS Model TIPS Training Team Meeting One full day team training
Two coached meetings Team Meeting Use of electronic meeting minute system Formal roles (facilitator, recorder, data analyst) Specific expectations (before meeting, during meeting, after meeting) Access and use of data Projected meeting minutes TIPS Training is a package across time starting with one full day of team training (the binder has all the materials, the thumb drive has the files) Followed by two coached meetings. Coaching includes: Prompting & supporting the facilitator, minute taker and data analyst to prepare for meetings Prompting the use of the TIPS model during meetings Helping the team stay focused during meetings Points to make: tough to build fluency if meeting once a month. The frequency is too lean.

10 TIPS: Team Initiated Problem Solving Running Efficient Meetings
Review Status and Identify Problems Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Develop and Refine Hypotheses Implement Discuss and Select Solutions Collect and Use Data Meeting Foundations Four year grant funded by U. S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences Goal: Develop a “problem-solving model” for school teams that results in active use of data to (a) define problems, (b) build solutions, and (c) transform solutions into practical action plans. Context: Every school has teams Teams are being expected to do problem solving Select curricula Get training and implement new ideas/programs Provide efficient leadership “Communities of Practice” Teams need to report data to staff, families, administration, district, state Teams NEED data to do good problem solving. Most teams are not skilled at running problem solving meetings and using data for decision-making.

11 Problem-Solving Meeting Foundations
11/14/2018 Problem-Solving Meeting Foundations Structure of meetings lays foundation for efficiency & effectiveness Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B

12 Meeting Foundations Elements
11/14/2018 Meeting Foundations Elements Purpose of the team Define team agreements about meeting processes Define roles & responsibilities Use electronic meeting minutes Basic Meeting Foundations Elements are essential no matter what type of meeting is being conducted. Teams need to know the purpose and expected outcomes of their group, they need to establish operating agreements (always start with something nice, avoid side talk, be on time, etc), and they need to establish roles and the expected responsibilities . Newton, J.S., Todd, A. W., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, B., & Algozzine K., 2010 11/14/2018

13 What makes a successful meeting?
11/14/2018 What makes a successful meeting? Start & end on time 75% of team members present & engaged in topic(s) Agenda is used to guide meeting topics System is used for monitoring progress of implemented solutions (review previous meeting minutes) System is used for documenting decisions Facilitator, Minute Taker & Data Analyst come prepared for meeting & complete during the meeting responsibilities Next meeting is scheduled All regular team members (absent or present) get access to the meeting minutes w/n 24 hours of the meeting Decision makers are present when needed Efforts are making a difference in the lives of children/students. Items that make a meeting successful are listed Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B

14 Defining Team Membership and Meeting Schedule
11/14/2018 Defining Team Membership and Meeting Schedule This is a basic version of team member information. It would be ideal to have something like this for each team in the building/district. This information is helpful when new members join the team and when a team member needs to refer to this information. Completing this is one of the tasks on the Meeting Foundations Checklist, and will be a task to complete during the morning activity. Newton, J.S., Todd, A. W., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, B., & Algozzine K., 2010 11/14/2018

15 PBIS School Team Members Roles & Responsibilities
Meeting Facilitator: Facilitates Each team meeting, bringing an agreed upon agenda. At meeting’s end, checks for understanding, clarifies any tasks to be completed before next meeting, and notes next meeting date. Recorder: Brings a laptop(could use a template for minutes) to record only the decisions and actions. Distributes electronic copies of the minutes to team members. Data Analyst: Provides a summary analysis of the data reports for team members to use for building responses at the meeting: The BIG 5 Reports (Average Referrals per day per month, Problem Behavior, Location, Time, Student Referrals) and Motivation Custom Report. (Becomes fluent in report features for data analysis). Staff Sharing Coordinator(s) Organizes the information (data summary and suggested responses to data) to share at monthly staff meeting. Schedules and rotates 2-3 team members to present to staff each month. Action Plan and Calendar Monitor(s): Tracks the PBIS Team Year Action Plan at each meeting and all PBIS Calendar dates(meetings, trainings, re- teaching schedule, etc.)

16 Define roles for effective meetings
11/14/2018 Define roles for effective meetings Core roles Facilitator Minute taker Data analyst Staff Sharing Coordinator Action Plan & Calendar Monitor Administrator Backup for each role Typically NOT the administrator We need primary people with a back up person for each role needed. It is encouraged to NOT have the administrator play a primary role for facilitator, data analyst, or minute taker. Administrators need to be flexible with what might come up and it is unpredictable when a situation causes administrator absence from a planned meeting. Since we know that this might occur, let’s avoid problems and set up the roles so that the team is not dependent on administrators being at the full meetings 100% of the time. Can one person serve multiple roles? Are there other roles needed? 11/14/2018 Newton, J.S., Todd, A. W., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, B., & Algozzine K., 2010

17 11/14/2018 Responsibilities are organized around roles and the meeting cycle (before, during and after). If a team needs to add a column/role, they can. However try to encourage use of the materials first, before doing too many adaptations. If a team needs to add a role/column or other information, the coaches need to help to determine how the information will be used. A revision such as changing A8 to include other data sets such as DIBELS, AimsWeb, eSIS is encouraged. Newton, J.S., Todd, A. W., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, B., & Algozzine K., 2010 11/14/2018

18 11/14/2018 Newton, J.S., Todd, A. W., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, B., & Algozzine K., 2010

19 Before the Meeting…Who does each
11/14/2018 Before the Meeting…Who does each Facilitator Room reserved “New” items solicited for agenda Agenda produced Review data & bring report to the team Lead team through discussion of effects of in-process solutions on “old” problems Meeting minutes distributed within 24 hours of meeting. Computer reserved; access to SWIS online database assured LCD projector reserved & set up to project data (or team has some other strategy for ensuring team members can review data at meeting) Facilitator Facilitator Data Analyst Facilitator Minute Taker This slide is animated so that each mouse click will give the role for each task Minute Taker Newton, J.S., Todd, A. W., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, B., & Algozzine K., 2010 11/14/2018

20 At Close of and After Meeting…
11/14/2018 At Close of and After Meeting… Meeting Minutes and Problem-Solving Action Plan completed Coordinate the staff meeting presentation Copy of Meeting Minutes & Problem-Solving Action Plan distributed to each member within 24 hrs. Update the PBIS Team Calendar and Action Planning Forms Minute Taker Staff Sharing Coord. Minute Taker This slide is animated so that each mouse click will give the role for each task Action Plan & Calendar Monitor Newton, J.S., Todd, A. W., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, B., & Algozzine K., 2010 11/14/2018

21 Team Roles Role Primary Backup Facilitator Minute Taker Data Analyst
11/14/2018 Team Roles Role Primary Backup Facilitator Minute Taker Data Analyst Staff Sharing Coordinator Action Plan & Calendar Monitor Other Team Role Next role review date: Team meeting activity to determine who will fill each role and for how long. When a team finishes before others, they should use the extra time to review/create your meeting schedule, location, start and end time Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B

22 Using Meeting Minutes Documentation of Reviewing Meeting minutes
11/14/2018 Using Meeting Minutes Documentation of Logistics of meeting Agenda items for today’s meeting ( and next meeting) Discussion items, decisions made, tasks and timelines assigned Problem statements, solutions/decisions/tasks Reviewing Meeting minutes A snapshot of what happened at the previous meeting and what needs to be reviewed during the upcoming meeting Visual tracking of focus topics during and after meetings Prevents side conversations Prevents repetition Encourages completion of tasks Help people understand what needs to be documented and why. If someone talks the entire meeting and there is no discussion, that is a memo, not a meeting! No need to document irrelevant anecdotes like: ‘ Jason yawned after Debbie explained her problem’, or ‘Debbie rolled her eyes and sighed when we talked about the testing schedule’ Newton, J.S., Todd, A. W., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, B., & Algozzine K., 2010 11/14/2018

23 11/14/2018 Langley Elementary PBIS Team Meeting Minutes and Problem-Solving Action Plan Form Today’s Meeting: Date, time, location: Facilitator: Minute Taker: Data Analyst: Next Meeting: Date, time, location: Facilitator: Minute Taker: Data Analyst: Team Members (bold are present today) Today’s Agenda Items Next Meeting Agenda Items 01. 02. 03. Administrative/General Information and Issues Information for Team, or Issue for Team to Address Discussion/Decision/Task (if applicable) Who? By When? Problem-Solving Action Plan Implementation and Evaluation Precise Problem Statement, based on review of data (What, When, Where, Who, Why) Solution Actions (e.g., Prevent, Teach, Prompt, Reward, Correction, Extinction, Safety) Who? By When? Goal, Timeline, Decision Rule, & Updates This slide is animated to teach the different parts of the meeting minute form each click adds the next section Most schools have the title at the top and write/type as the meeting progresses Make a point that we don’t need to document everything that happened (i.e., NM rolled her eyes KJ entered the room, SW continued to repeat the same issue, we took at 5 minute bathroom break) Our Rating Yes So-So No 1. Was today’s meeting a good use of our time? 2. In general, did we do a good job of tracking whether we’re completing the tasks we agreed on at previous meetings? 3. In general, have we done a good job of actually completing the tasks we agreed on at previous meetings? 4. In general, are the completed tasks having the desired effects on student behavior? Evaluation of Team Meeting (Mark your ratings with an “X”) Newton, J.S., Todd, A. W., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, B., & Algozzine K., 2010 11/14/2018

24 What needs to be documented?
11/14/2018 What needs to be documented? Meeting demographics Date, time, who is present, who is absent Agenda Next meeting date/time/location/roles Administrative/ general Information/Planning items Topic of discussion, decisions made, who will do what, by when Problem-Solving items Problem statement, data used for problem solving, determined solutions, who will do what by when, goal, how/how often will progress toward goal be measured, how/how often will fidelity of implementation be measured Agenda items come in 3 types: demographics/logistics, general administrative, and problem solving. The next set of slides provides examples of what is said during a meeting and what needs to be documented.

25 Administrative/General Information and Issues
Information for Team, or Issue for Team to Address Discussion/Decision/Task (if applicable) Who? By When?

26 Problem-Solving Action Plan
Implementation and Evaluation Precise Problem Statement, based on review of data (What, When, Where, Who, Why) Solution Actions (e.g., Prevent, Teach, Prompt, Reward, Correction, Extinction, Safety) Who? By When? Goal withTimeline, Fidelity & Outcome Measures, & Updates Enter this information into the Problem Solving Action Plan section in the Meeting Minutes

27 Meetings Foundation Checklist

28 11/14/2018 Any tasks from the Meeting Foundations Checklist (and any other checklists used) are now documented and defined on the meeting minute form as a task/decision for the General Administrative Item of Meeting Foundations 11/14/2018 Newton, J.S., Todd, A. W., Horner, R.H., Algozzine, B., & Algozzine K., 2010 Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B

29 Meeting Foundation Checklists Meeting Minutes & Action Plan Form
TIPS Worksheet Meeting Foundation Checklists Meeting Minutes & Action Plan Form 11/14/2018 George Swis Review the Meeting Foundation Checklist– Assign yourself a role and transfer information to the Meeting Minutes and Action Plan form Take time to familiarize with: Meeting Minutes Section and Problem Solving Section 11/14/2018

30 Problem Solving Meeting Foundations
Identify Problems Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model Develop Hypothesis Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Collect and Use Data The full TIPS model. Two parts. Implementation of Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Use of the problem solving process (strategy?) Discuss and Select Solutions Develop and Implement Action Plan Problem Solving Meeting Foundations

31 Problem Solving Meeting Foundations
Identify Problems Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model Develop Hypothesis Evaluate and Revise Action Plan SWIS AimsWeb easyCBM Collect and Use Data DIBELS OAKS Discuss and Select Solutions Develop and Implement Action Plan Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Newton, J.S., Todd, A.W., Algozzine, K, Horner, R.H. & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon unpublished training manual.

32 Generalize-able Application of Problem Solving
School wide Grade level Groups of students Individual Students Academic and Social Behavior

33 Elementary School with 150 Students
11/14/2018 Elementary School with 150 Students Our average Major ODRs per school day per month are higher than national median for a school of our enrollment size. We have peaks in frequency of problems in Nov, Feb & April, with an increasing trend from August to May. We want to review the trend, peaks in problems, and compare our average with the national summary data median per day per 100 students. (red line = median, purple line= 75th percentile, bluish line 25th percentile) Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B

34 DIBELS Universal Screening
Our DIBELS Distribution summary shows that 49% of our kindergarten students at Adams Elementary fall in the strategic and intensive range. We have over 50% of our students requiring strategic and intensive supports for ISF, LNF.

35 More Precision Is Required to Solve the Identified Problem
Define problem by identifying What problem behaviors/errors are involved Clarify problem by identifying When problems/errors are occurring Where problems/errors are occurring Why problems/errors are occurring Newton, J.S., Todd, A.W., Algozzine, K, Horner, R.H. & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon unpublished training manual.

36 What When Where Why Who Designing Effective Behavior Support

37 Examples: Primary to Precise
Gang-like behavior is increasing Texting during school is becoming more negative Bullying (verbal and physical aggression) on the playground is increasing during “first recess,” is being done mostly by four 4th grade boys, and seems to be maintained by social praise from the bystander peer group. A large number of students in each grade level (6, 7, 8) are using texting to spread rumors, and harass peers. Texting occurs both during the school day, and after school, and appears to be maintained by attention from others.

38 What When Where Why Who Designing Effective Behavior Support

39 Defining problems with precision for individual students
For individual students precision elements include: What Does student have discrimination skills? Does student have motor skills? Where When Why Does student know when to use the skill? Is student motivated to use the skill? Is student experiencing a combination of the above?

40 Examples: Primary to Precise
Carly is having reading difficulties Jack is having lots of trouble at home Carly is reading 20 cwpm (goal is 60), skips or guesses at words she doesn’t know, mostly during language arts Jack screams and cries at home, daily, when asked to get in car, do homework, and get ready for bed. He does not like riding in the car and does not like doing school work at home.

41 Cost Benefits of Problem Solving with Precise Problem Statements
An Example Elementary Playground Problems

42 Elementary School (Title 1)
Total enrollment= 550 3 classes per grade level 18 classrooms (30/class) Primary Problem Statement fighting and physical aggression on playground 550 students full playground area, expectations, equipment use Precise Problem Statement High rates of physical aggression, disrespect and inappropriate language on the playground during second and third grade recess. Many students are involved and it appears they are trying to get access to equipment/games 180 2ne/3rd graders, routine for accessing/sharing equipment/games

43 Savings in Planning & Implementation Time Moving from Primary Problem Statements to Precision Problem Statement hours

44 Problem Solving Meeting Foundations
Identify Problems Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model Develop Hypothesis Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Collect and Use Data The full TIPS model. Two parts. Implementation of Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Use of the problem solving process (strategy?) Discuss and Select Solutions Develop and Implement Action Plan Problem Solving Meeting Foundations

45 Using Data to Build Solutions
Prevention: How can we avoid the problem context? Who, When, Where Schedule change, curriculum change, etc Teaching: How can we define, teach, and monitor what we want? Teach appropriate behavior Use problem behavior as negative example Recognition: How can we build in systematic reward for desired behavior? Extinction: How can we prevent problem behavior from being rewarded? Consequences: What are efficient, consistent consequences for problem behavior? How will we collect and use data to evaluate (a) implementation fidelity, and (b) impact on student outcomes?

46 Solution Development Prevention Teaching Reward Extinction
Focus on prevention first. How could we reduce the situations that lead to these behaviors? How do we ensure that students know what they SHOULD be doing when these situations arise? How do we ensure that appropriate behavior is recognized? How do we work to ensure that problem behavior is NOT being rewarded. Are corrective consequences needed? How will we know (a) if we are doing what we plan, and (b) if what we plan is working to benefit students? Solution Development Prevention Teaching Reward Extinction Corrective Consequence Data Collection

47 Hannah Fourth grade female in local elem. school
Diagnosis of Down Syndrome Receives specially designed instruction for all areas Participates in 4th grade activities daily & weekly Problem behaviors to get peer/adult attention to escape task demands Primary problem statement Hannah is disruptive and non compliant

48 Hannah’s Precise Problem Statement
Given demands related to transitions and instructional situations, Hannah engages in problem behaviors including slumped posture in chair, covering mouth with hand when speaking, mumbling, talking too softly to be heard, pushing away from the desk or materials, hiding head/face on desk and forgetting materials (homework folder, pencil, worksheet) in order to escape task and instructional demands. About one of every three instructional sessions occur without incident.

49 Social-Organizational Goals (Respect & Responsibility)
Hannah will demonstrate on-task behavior. complete assigned work. use a clear, audible voice when speaking. follow directions. transition from one activity to the next throughout the school day. be prepared for instruction by having materials and being on time. 80% of time across all contexts by the end of Winter Quarter, as measured daily. Hannah’s Self management form IS the data collection form.

50 Academic Goals Hannah will Copy schedule words & days of week
Write the date in two formats Read digital time Read analog time Match digital and analog Add single digit numbers 80% of time by the end of Winter Quarter, as measured daily

51 Prepare schedule at beginning of day
Given demands related to transitions and instructional situations, Hannah engages in problem behaviors including slumped posture in chair, covering mouth with hand when speaking, mumbling, talking too softly to be heard, pushing away from the desk or materials, hiding head/face on desk and forgetting materials (homework folder, pencil, worksheet) in order to escape task and instructional demands. About one of every three instructional sessions occur without incident. Prevent “Trigger” Prepare schedule at beginning of day Self management data sheet used through the day Define & Teach Self management system Follow directions Talk clearly Prepared with materials Reward/Reinforce Break time when points earned Withhold Reward Points not earned when not following directions Corrective consequence Safety Newton, J.S., Todd, A.W., Algozzine, K, Horner, R.H. & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon unpublished training manual.

52 Tuesday Jan. 23, 2001 1/23/01 8 9 music Science PE

53 Hannah Solution Actions
Choose the solutions that will create an environment that makes the problem irrelevant, inefficient, and ineffective. Choose least amount of work that will have the biggest impact on decreasing the problem. Implementing the solution requires action and time lines Problems need goals so that we can measure progress and know when to move on. Use weekly 1-5 survey of Hannah’s teachers to assess implementation of plan Are we implementing the plan? 1 ….. 2 …..3 ….. 4 ….. 5 No Yes

54 Fidelity of Implementation
Hannah: Fidelity of Implementation 5 4 3 Rating 2 1 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/8

55 Hannah: Outcomes 100 80 60 proportion of school day 40 20
5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/8 5/9 had materials follow directions use clear voice

56 Problem Solving Meeting Foundations
Identify Problems Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model Develop Hypothesis Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Collect and Use Data The full TIPS model. Two parts. Implementation of Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Use of the problem solving process (strategy?) Discuss and Select Solutions Develop and Implement Action Plan Problem Solving Meeting Foundations

57 Integrating Meeting Foundations & Problem Solving
Hannah: Self Management CK: Reading skills JM: Check In Check Out

58 Newton, J. S. , Todd, A. W. , Algozzine, K, Horner, R. H
Newton, J.S., Todd, A.W., Algozzine, K, Horner, R.H. & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon unpublished training manual.


60 JM Newton, J.S., Todd, A.W., Algozzine, K, Horner, R.H. & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon unpublished training manual.

61 Application of model when monitoring individual student progress
Newton, J.S., Todd, A.W., Algozzine, K, Horner, R.H. & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon unpublished training manual.

62 Individual Student Intervention System
Efficiency Individual student progress monitoring Daily data entry Twice weekly review Documentation Equity Students requiring TIER III supports have equal access Predictable for staff Quality Compliance with IEP procedures Keeping history or student programs & progress

63 ISIS-SWIS Module within the SWIS application designed to coordinate and monitor individualized student support Uses a student file format for uploading critical documents & storing (i.e. assessment and support plans) defining measures and data entry schedules maintaining a coordinated calendar of events/activities/tasks related to the individuals plan Summarizes and format data for problem-solving & decision-making

64 ISIS-SWIS Features Supports the use of evidence-based practices while using data based decision making to inform, monitor, and improve instruction when documenting and communicating progress and outcomes. Student Management Data entry Reports Individual Student School-wide


66 ISIS-SWIS: Confidentiality
Secured through the SWIS server, web-connection, and data storage procedures designed to meet or exceed industry standards for privacy and confidentiality The collection, storage, and reporting procedures of SWIS data have been reviewed and approved following Internal Review Board procedures specified by the U.S. Department of Education Federal and University of Oregon Regulations related to protection of privacy apply to all SWIS information.

67 Why Use ISIS-SWIS Provides structure and tools for uploading, storing, archiving, & revising student files Data are formatted for individual student progress monitoring, goal setting, & decision making efficient problem identification, problem solving, and decision making Data entry is defined by instructional objectives & criteria on the student file compatibility checklist Can serve as a team communication tool Provides evaluation data for fidelity of implementation and student outcomes Individual Student and School Wide

68 Cost An ISIS Licensee pays an annual fee of $150.
Schools using SWIS and ISIS will be charged an annual fee of $400. Schools using SWIS, CICO-SWIS, and ISIS-SWIS will be charged an annual fee of $450.

69 What data go into ISIS-SWIS
Type of data Fidelity Outcome Active documents Archive documents Form of data Percent Scale Frequency Rate Examples include….. Schedules for data entry Defined by measure Weekly Every 30 minutes M W F Compatibility Alert! Every plan will have at least one fidelity of implementation measure


71 Get Medical Records Direct Observations in class Team meeting


73 MWF data entry schedule

74 Selecting one day of the month



77 ISIS-SWIS Training Plan
Must be a SWIS Facilitator For ISIS-SWIS Certification, either: 1 Full Day of Training on ISIS 4 “Go To Webinar” Trainings Dates and Location to be announced in the Winter, 2012

78 Confidence in using skills before coaching others to use the skill,
Critical Skills Objective: Increase confidence in coaching critical skills Determining Team Readiness Meeting Foundations Creating a precise problem statement Creating solutions that fit the problem statement Action Planning Goal Setting Evaluation Fidelity Student Outcomes Confidence in using skills before coaching others to use the skill, is critical!

79 TIPS Team Training Readiness 10 readiness guidelines
Team membership 1. Team has representation needed for meeting their purpose 2. Team includes an administrator with authority to make decisions & who is at meetings when decisions need to be made  Team data access 3. Team has access to the data needed for problem solving and decision making before and during the meeting 4. School staff use a consistent process & procedures for documenting & entering data 5. Team member is fluent in generating basic and custom reports from data set(s) being used

80 TIPS Team Training Readiness 10 readiness guidelines
 Team Commitment 6. Team is committed to implementing TIPS Meeting Foundations 7. Team & coach are committed to attending one full day or two half day team trainings to learn the skills for applying the TIPS Model for problem solving & decision making 8. Team is committed to using the TIPS model through the school year and to attending an annual TIPS booster Coaching Commitment 9. Team has access to a coach who knows the TIPS system & who is available before, during, & after meetings to support problem-solving & decision making 10. Coach is committed to attend team training and provide coaching before, during and after the meetings

81 TIPS Team Training Readiness Checklist
TIPS Readiness Feature Status In progress complete Tasks By Who By When Team membership Team has representation needed for meeting their purpose Team includes an administrator with authority to make decisions & who is at meetings when decisions need to be made Team data access Team has access to the data needed for problem solving and decision making before and during the meeting School staff use a consistent process & procedures for documenting & entering data Team member is fluent in generating basic and custom reports from data set(s) being used Team Commitment Team is committed to implementing TIPS Meeting Foundations Team & coach are committed to attending one full day or two half day team trainings to learn the skills for applying the TIPS Model for problem solving & decision making Team is committed to using the TIPS model through the school year and to attending an annual TIPS booster Coaching Commitment Team has access to a coach who knows the TIPS system & who is available before, during, & after meetings to support problem-solving & decision making Coach is committed to attend team training and provide coaching before, during and after the meetings

82 Problem Solving Meeting Foundations
Identify Problems Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model Develop Hypothesis Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Collect and Use Data The full TIPS model. Two parts. Implementation of Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Use of the problem solving process (strategy?) Discuss and Select Solutions Develop and Implement Action Plan Problem Solving Meeting Foundations

83 Team Progress Monitoring of TIPS
At beginning of the year, mid year and end of year, teams Complete the TIPS Team Fidelity of Implementation Checklist Create Action Plans for items that are not implemented or in progress. Use meeting minute form to document plan & monitor progress At the end of each meeting Teams complete a short evaluation of the meeting Document responses on meeting minute form Make adjustments as needed

84 11/14/2018 The TIPS Team Implementation Checklist is a fidelity checklist that the teams can use to monitor the implementation of TIPS strategies over time. Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon, unpublished training manual. Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B

85 11/14/2018 Page two of TIPS Team Implementation Checklist Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon, unpublished training manual. Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B

86 Coaches Fidelity Checklist
Phases of Meetings Before the Meeting During the Meeting After the Meeting These phases are cyclical and coaching support is scaffolded over time. Initially a coach is very active before and during the meeting. However as application of the TIPS Model becomes more fluent for the team, the coach shifts most support to before the meeting prompts. Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon. Unpublished training manual.

87 TIPS Coaches Fidelity Checklist is formatted to be used for a single school across three meetings and is organized around the phases of meetings Items are fairly self explanatory. Go through as group, or have people read and use questions for clarification as the organizational framework for the discussion. Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon. Unpublished training manual.

88 Coaches Fidelity Checklist, continued
Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon. Unpublished training manual.


90 Problem Solving Meeting Foundations
Identify Problems Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model Develop Hypothesis Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Collect and Use Data The full TIPS model. Two parts. Implementation of Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Use of the problem solving process (strategy?) Discuss and Select Solutions Develop and Implement Action Plan Problem Solving Meeting Foundations

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