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Zig Ziglar: Goals – Setting and Achieving Them on Schedule

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Presentation on theme: "Zig Ziglar: Goals – Setting and Achieving Them on Schedule"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zig Ziglar: Goals – Setting and Achieving Them on Schedule
JOBTALKS Zig Ziglar: Goals – Setting and Achieving Them on Schedule Lecture 2, PREVIEWS Creating Your Resume for BPO Undergraduate Career Services Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D. November 3, 2000 For Videos ONLY Welcome! This brief presentation is designed to assist you in your career planning and job placement interests. The content is based upon the book Career Planning Today by Dr. C. Randall Powell. It is helpful to have your “rough draft resume” in front of you as you listen so you can record relevant notes directly on your resume. This PowerPoint is on the BPO website under Lectures and can be reviewed later for specific follow-up. Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D

2 Zig Ziglar: Goals – Setting and Achieving Them on Schedule
Indiana University Kelley School of Business Discussion Session #83

3 Dream Sheet Travel and Vacations: Automobile: House Where and how
Kind, color, options House Size, style, extras

4 Dream Sheet Money: Career: Savings, investments
Salary increases, benefits, promotions

5 Dream Sheet Children and Family: Friendship:
Education, activities, shared time Friendship: Respect, helping others

6 Dream Sheet Health: Religion: Mind: Body weight, exercise
Church involvement, religious study Mind: Education, reading, recall

7 Seven Steps for Goal-Setting
Identify Goal Set Deadline List Obstacles Identify People Develop Plan List Benefits

8 Personal Evaluation PHYSICAL
Appearance, medical check-ups, exercise programs, weight control, nutrition

9 Personal Evaluation FAMILY
Listening habits, forgiving attitude, good role model, time together, supportive of others, respectful, loving

10 Personal Evaluation FINANCIAL
Earnings, savings and investments, budget, adequate insurance, charge accounts

11 Personal Evaluation SOCIAL
Sense of humor, listening habits, self-confidence, manners, caring

12 Personal Evaluation SPIRITUAL
Inner peace, sense of purpose, prayer, religious study, belief in God

13 Personal Evaluation MENTAL
Imagination, attitude, continuing education, reading, curiosity

14 Personal Evaluation CAREER
Job satisfaction, effectiveness, job training, understanding job purpose, competence

15 To Clarify Your Goals Look at your Personal Evaluation – determine which areas need improvement – set goals for these areas Look at your Dream Sheet – itemize those which are truly important to you Combine these items to get a comprehensive list of your major goals Select two to work on

16 Goals – ask yourself these questions:
Is it really my goal? Is it morally right and fair Are my short-range goals consistent with my long-range goals? Can I commit myself emotionally to complete my project? Can I visualize myself reaching this goal?

17 Seven Steps for Goal-Setting
Identify Goal Set Deadline List Obstacles Identify People Develop Plan List Benefits

18 Benefits of Goals Know, be, do, and have more
Use your mind and talents fully Have more purpose and direction in life Make better decisions

19 Benefits of Goals Be more organized and effective
Do more for yourself and others Have greater confidence

20 Benefits of Goals Feel more fulfilled
Be more enthusiastic and motivated Accomplish uncommon projects

21 Evaluation Questions Use: Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know I found the presentation of material easy to understand. This Advantage session increased my knowledge on the subject presented. I will be able to use some of the information from this Advantage session in the future. The presenter was well prepared for this Advantage session. This presentation should be repeated in future semesters.

22 If you would like to learn more, Career Planning Strategies textbook will supply additional information on this topic.

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