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ABE Instructor College of Lake County

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1 ABE Instructor College of Lake County
Setting Goals Jackie Hamlett ABE Instructor College of Lake County

2 ABE Instructor College of Lake County
Setting Goals Jackie Hamlett ABE Instructor College of Lake County

3 WHO IS IN CONTROL? Author/character analogy … “master of your own life.”

4 Quote of the Day If we do not put effort into what we want, we have to put effort into coping with what we get. What effort are you willing to put forth for what you want?

5 What is a Goal? Dictionary definition is “a desired purpose or direction”


7 Goals are plans with purpose

8 Failing to plan = planning to fail!
QUOTE TO REMEMBER Failing to plan = planning to fail!

9 Characteristics of a Goal
Clear and concise Measurable Believable and possible Realistic and flexible Have deadlines!

10 In other words … Think SMART
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-defined Develop an example here with specifics.

11 Long Term or Short Term? Long term goals are your overall objective – they may take a month, several months, a year, or carry out over your lifetime (IDEAS?) Short term goals are the stepping stones for reaching the long-term goal (IDEAS?)

12 OUR FOCUS ON GOALS School/Career

13 Write down your MATH goals
These goals should include the skills you need to improve in math as well as new skills you need to learn.

14 How to determine a goal What is your current skill level in different areas of math? What math topics do you need extra help with? What math topics do you still need to learn? List ten things that are important to you.

15 Goals need to be Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely

16 EXAMPLES Improve my knowledge of the multiplication table and be able to fluently multiply numbers. Improve my division skills through instruction and practice. Learn 10 math vocabulary words per week and be able to identify them in my texts, on the board, and in Quia. Become familiar with geometry, the vocabulary, and how to work with different formulas and shapes through instruction, practice in class, and at home. Become familiar with pre-algebra and learn the related vocabulary words and symbols, and how to write equations based on word problems. Identify patters in math using critical thinking skills, practice in classs and at home to improve my skill level.

17 OTHER EXAMPLES How’s your class attendance?
Do you complete your homework? Do you participate in class small groups and activities? Do you have computer skills? ALL OF THESE ARE ALSO IMPORTANT GOALS FOR THIS CLASS THIS SEMESTER.

18 Identifying and Ranking Goals
List 5 things on your Goal Sheet that you would like to achieve in math this semester. Be sure the goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

19 Working Toward Your Goal
Remember stepping stones Create a schedule or plan composed of to-do lists, and weekly or monthly calendars How do you eat an elephant?

20 C=Challenge (identify the problem, its causes, and results)
Overcoming Barriers Learn to COPE with problems that stop you from reaching your goals C=Challenge (identify the problem, its causes, and results) O=Option (select the best option from your possible solutions) P=Plan (make a plan to act on your option and either decide to adjust your goal or replace it) E=Evaluate (check for progress and revise your plan if needed)

21 Here and Now What is ONE thing you can do TODAY toward that goal? Next week? Next Month? Just DO it! (Remember you can ask for support from your family and friends, and ideas from this class, and your teacher and tutors.)

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