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Affirmations for Self-Esteem

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1 Affirmations for Self-Esteem
Mrs. Gunderson Healthful Living

2 What is an Affirmation? h?v=qR3rK0kZFkg

3 What is an Affirmation? * Positive statements or self-scripts that can condition the subconscious mind to help you develop a more positive perception of yourself. * Affirmations can help you to: - change harmful behaviors - accomplish goals - Undo the damage caused by negative scripts; those things which we repeatedly tell ourselves (or which others repeatedly tell us) that contribute to a negative self-perception. * Affirmations are easy to create and use, but you'll need dedication to make them work.

4 How to use Affirmations #1
#1: Decide on the Content of Your Affirmation We rarely focus on things we really like about ourselves (instead we dwell on things we would like to change). Take inventory: best qualities, abilities and attributes. Ex: Hard worker Why? Will help appreciate who you are Give you Confidence Decided who you want to become Example: Short Sentences starting with “I” & using present tense: “I am beautiful”

5 How to use Affirmations #2
#2: Think about what negative scripts you want to counteract or what positive goals you want to accomplish These are known as counter scrips. Can also help to achieve goals. Ex: Quitting smoking How? Make a list of goals or harmful self-perceptions you want to change.

6 How to use Affirmations #3
#3 Match up your positive attributes with your goals. Positive attributes you listed in the first step will help achieve your goals. select 2-3 affirmations that can/will support achieving your goal.

7 How to use Affirmations #4
#4 Make your affirmation visual so you can see them. Repetition is key to making your affirmations effective. Revisit your affirmations regularly. How? Write them down (journal) Revisit in the AM and PM (these should be the first thing you think of when you wake up, and the last thing you think of when you go to sleep).

8 How to use Affirmations #5
#5 Continue using your affirmations. The more you affirm something, the more firmly your mind will accept it.

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