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Presentation on theme: "POPE GREYHOUND’S SOCCER INFORMATION MEETING"— Presentation transcript:

adf POPE GREYHOUND’S SOCCER INFORMATION MEETING Welcome !! October 10, 2017 This slide is up along with highlight video of the 2011 season at the beginning of the meeting as people enter BRUCE : Welcome everyone to the 2012 CHS Soccer program Information Meeting! NEXT SLIDE

2 Agenda Welcome Booster Club Information and Membership
adf Agenda Welcome Booster Club Information and Membership Meet the Coaches 2018 Season Key Dates Next Steps: Tryout Registration and Physicals Questions BRUCE: Welcome, tonight's meeting should be informative and hopefully interesting to everyone. The purpose of the meeting is to give you a brief overview of the CHS Soccer program and information about the upcoming season. You will here from the coaches, learn the key dates, player costs and hear some information about the Goal Club, the booster club for Centennial Soccer. At the end of the meeting, about 7:50 or so will have time for any questions not answered during the meeting or caused by the meeting. We hope to conclude around 8 or so. NEXT SLIDE

adf Accomplishments: GIRLS VARSITY Region Champions: 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2011, 2012 & 2014 State Final Four: 2014 State Champions: 1999, 2000, 2001 & 2002 BOYS VARSITY Region Champions: 1991, 1993, 1997, 1998, 1999 & 2013 State Final Four: 2013 BRUCE: Welcome, tonight's meeting should be informative and hopefully interesting to everyone. The purpose of the meeting is to give you a brief overview of the CHS Soccer program and information about the upcoming season. You will here from the coaches, learn the key dates, player costs and hear some information about the Goal Club, the booster club for Centennial Soccer. At the end of the meeting, about 7:50 or so will have time for any questions not answered during the meeting or caused by the meeting. We hope to conclude around 8 or so. NEXT SLIDE

4 The Pope High School Soccer Booster Club, What is it
The Pope High School Soccer Booster Club, What is it? And more importantly, what does it do? Mission: “The Best for the Best” #1 Soccer Program in GA Provides additional funds for the program and facilitates community involvement Supports the program with funds for additional staffing, coaching apparel, equipment, facility expenses and uniforms Provides the teams with transportation, meals, videos, tournament entry fees, awards and banquet Volunteers working together for the teams BRUCE: The Goal Club is a subsidiary of the CHS Athletic Booster Club whose mission is to promote and advance the CHS Soccer Program by supporting the Athletic Director and the coaches in the development of the student athletes. Simply said, it is the Goal Club to help provide “The Best, for the Best!”. The Club provides funds, which along with the player fees, support the program with staffing, equipment, uniforms, facility expenses. It also provides the teams with pregame meals, transportation, video equipment, entry fees, awards and the year end banquet. All and all, the Club is soccer family volunteers working together with and for the teams and CHS soccer NEXT SLIDE

5 The Booster Club Board Anthony Mari, President
Emily Burtnett, Secretary Meg & John Schreck, Boys Vice President (Vacant), Executive Vice President (Vacant), Girls Vice President Donna Woods, Treasurer (Vacant) Sponsorships BRUCE: I would like to introduce you to the 2012 Goal Club Board of Directors. NEXT SLIDE

6 Members & Volunteers Needed
All parents are expected to support the team with their participation in at least one volunteer position during the season (plus concessions) Meet the Team Coordinator (2 volunteers) Scoreboard Operator & Match Announcers (One for Each Team) Concession Stand Coordinators (One for Each Team) Team Managers (One for Each Team) Photographers (One for Each Team) Senior Night Coordinators (2 volunteers) Banquet Coordinator (2 volunteers) BRUCE NEXT SLIDE

7 2017-2018 Sponsorship Programs Sponsorship Chairperson - Vacant
Sponsorship Levels Renewal Sponsorship Package $300.00 Bronze Sponsor Package $500.00 Silver Sponsor Package $ Gold Sponsor Package $2, (Waiver for ONE player fee included) Sponsor Letter and Agreement available (See Coach Thomas) ROB HERNDON: NEXT SLIDE

8 Financial Update Donna Woods -Treasurer
Financials for the 2018 Season The Soccer Program Income & Expenses The 2018 Player Fees LORI NEXT SLIDE

9 Soccer Program Expenses
adf Soccer Program Expenses The Budgeted Expense is $825 per player New practice uniforms for all teams, practice and game soccer balls, new practice goals New equipment, coaches gear, facilities, coaching supplements and the Banquet Soccer does not get the Gate Receipts, but the Club does receive all proceeds from Season Passes ($35 Each) Soccer does pay for facilities, turf maintenance, trainers and weight room supplies. *Capital Campaign Funds (Scoreboard, Turf The Practice Field, Athletic Recognition in the Stadium, Locker Rooms in New Gym, etc.) LORI NEXT SLIDE

10 The 2018 Soccer Player Fees Player Fee - JV Teams - $ Varsity Teams - $475.00 Uniform Rental Fee - JVB, VG & VB - $100.00 Uniform Rental Fee is 100% refunded with the return of Warm-ups and Uniform at the end of the season. Yoga - VG & VB - $10.00 Meals (function of game times) BV $100 BJV $60 GV $100 GJV $60 LORI Introduce Rob Herndon NEXT SLIDE

11 Meet the Coaches (Girls Staff)
Varsity Girls Head Coach-Heath Green Assistant Coach-Jeff Montgomery JV Coach-Patty Hays JV Coach-Gaby Halty JV Coach-Michelle Krengel Goal Keeper Coach- Chris Najeway BRUCE: The first order of business will be to introduce you to the 2012 coaches for the CHS Soccer team. To do that, I would like to introduce you to Centennial High School’s Athletic Director , Phil Thomas. This is my 6th year of working with Coach Thomas, who happens to have a tremendous interest in the soccer program as well, and he just keeps on getting better. NEXT SLIDE

12 Coach Heath Green Varsity Girls Head Coach
College – Auburn University, B.S. Secondary Education, Social Studies Kennesaw State University, M.ed. Instructional Technology 10th year as a Social Studies Teacher and Soccer Coach at Pope Coaching: Boys Junior Varsity Head Coach Region 7AAAAA Assistant Coach of the Year: 2013 YMCA Select Camp 2016-Present Girls Varsity Head Coach: BRUCE: Coach Thomas is a graduate of Parkview High School. He attended Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC, majoring in History and Soccer and earned his Bachelor of Arts and Four Letters in soccer. Coach Thomas joined the CHS teaching staff and began teaching Government and World History. Also in 2002 he became the assistant soccer coach and took over as head coach in He has an overall record of , a .620 winning percentage, and he has lead the Boys Varsity Knights to 10 straight playoff appearances. A member of the Ralph Lundy Soccer Academy Senior Staff, it I is my pleasure to introduce Phil Thomas, Boys Varsity Head Coach Coach Thomas comes up… NEXT SLIDE

13 Meet the Coaches (Boys Staff)
Varsity Boys Head Coach-Phil Thomas Varsity Boys Assistant Coach-Matt Donovan JV Boys Head Coach-Paul Peterson Goal Keeper Coach-Chris Najeway BRUCE: The first order of business will be to introduce you to the 2012 coaches for the CHS Soccer team. To do that, I would like to introduce you to Centennial High School’s Athletic Director , Phil Thomas. This is my 6th year of working with Coach Thomas, who happens to have a tremendous interest in the soccer program as well, and he just keeps on getting better. NEXT SLIDE

14 Coach Phil Thomas Varsity Boys Head Coach
College - Presbyterian College, B.A. History 15th year as a Social Studies Teacher; 6 years as the Athletic Director (Centennial) Playing: Presbyterian College (South Carolina) Coaching: 2000 – 2001 – Goalkeeper Coach (Centennial); 8-6-1 – Boys Varsity Assistant Coach (Centennial); 14-4 2003 – Boys Varsity Head Coach (Centennial); ; AJC Northside Coach of the Year: 2005; Region 6AAAAA Coach of the Year: 2009, 2010 & 2012; Region 6AAAAAA Coach of the Year: 2013; AAAAA DiVarsity Georgia Coach of the Year: 2012; AAAAAA DiVarsity Georgia Coach of the Year: 2013 2014-present- Boys Varsity Head Coach (Pope) ; Career Record – Director of Goalkeeping: Roswell Santos 2014-present-Coaching Staff: NASA 2005-present- Senior Staff at Ralph Lundy Soccer Academy BRUCE: Coach Thomas is a graduate of Parkview High School. He attended Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC, majoring in History and Soccer and earned his Bachelor of Arts and Four Letters in soccer. Coach Thomas joined the CHS teaching staff and began teaching Government and World History. Also in 2002 he became the assistant soccer coach and took over as head coach in He has an overall record of , a .620 winning percentage, and he has lead the Boys Varsity Knights to 10 straight playoff appearances. A member of the Ralph Lundy Soccer Academy Senior Staff, it I is my pleasure to introduce Phil Thomas, Boys Varsity Head Coach Coach Thomas comes up… NEXT SLIDE

15 2017-2018 PHS Soccer Key Dates Check for Updates
Voluntary Pre-Season Conditioning Concussion and Physical forms required (Available on and Speed & Agility Nov 6th – Dec 14th *Girls: Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays (3:45 PM – 5:00 PM) *Boys: Tuesdays & Thursdays (3:45 PM – 5:00 PM) COACH THOMAS Review the Key dates then review any other information Introduce Bruce to continue about Goal Club NEXT SLIDE

16 2017-2018 PHS Soccer Key Dates Check for Updates
Pre-Tryout Conditioning January 4th – 12th, :45 PM – 5:00 PM Tryouts 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM (Girls); 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM (Boys) January 16th-January 18th Varsity Fitness Testing Friday, January 19th, 2018 Varsity Girls 3:45 PM – 4:30 PM Varsity Boys 4:30 PM – 5:15 PM

17 2017-2018 PHS Soccer Key Dates Check for Updates
Meet the Team Monday, January 22nd at 6:30 PM Announce Teams Spirit Wear Ordering (Under Armour Store) Collect Team Fees & Uniform Deposits Volunteer Registration Charleston, SC Tournament March 8 thru 10, 2018 Friday (Porter-Gaud School) & Saturday (Bishop England) Varsity Boys & Varsity Girls Approximately $300 per player Travel, Accommodations and Tournament

18 2018 PHS Winter and Spring Break Schedules Check www. popeathletics
2018 PHS Winter and Spring Break Schedules Check for Updates JV Teams February 19th & 21st Boys & Girls v Cambridge & Johns Creek February 20th MUST Ministries February 22nd-25th (OFF) Varsity Teams February 17th-20th (OFF) February 21st MUST Ministries February 23rd Varsity - Boys & Kell April 7th Varsity – Practice/Rafting Trip

19 2017-2018 PHS Soccer Key Dates Check for Updates
2018 BOYS AND GIRLS SCHEDULE (Subject to change) visit

20 Next Steps: Register for Tryouts. Complete the on-line application located on Upload Physical to ParentVUE; Complete Insurance and Concussion Forms on ParentVUE (GET IT DONE NOW) Soccer Booster Club Membership Information Corporate (or individual) Sponsorships Information Volunteer and Invest to help your player and our Team be the top program in GA and US! ROB HERNDON: NEXT SLIDE

21 Questions? COACH THOMAS and BRUCE: Questions? NEXT SLIDE



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