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I/O Interfacing CSE 2312 Maher Al-Khaiyat.

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Presentation on theme: "I/O Interfacing CSE 2312 Maher Al-Khaiyat."— Presentation transcript:

1 I/O Interfacing CSE 2312 Maher Al-Khaiyat

2 I/O Instructions I/O address space I/O ports for data transfer
IN and OUT instructions 8-bit and 16-bit data ports Control signals: IOR and IOW Communication called peripheral I/O

3 8-bit Ports IN OUT IN dest, source IN AL, port# MOV DX, port# IN AL,DX
OUT dest, source OUT port#, AL MOV DX, port# OUT DX,AL Port address 00h-FFh Address bus A0-A7 No segment register involved Port address 0000h-FFFFh Address bus A0-A15 No segment register involved

4 I/O 8255 Chip Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI)
3 ports for input or output 4 addressable locations (3 ports plus control register)

5 I/O Address Map HEX Range Description 0000 001F
DMA controller 1, 8237A-5 0020 003F Interrupt controller 1, 8259A, Master 0040 005F Timer, 0378 037F Parallel printer port 1 03F8 03FF Serial port 1

6 C/C++ I/O Programming IN OUT IN OUT IN AL, port# IN AL,DX
Assembly C/C++ IN IN AL, port# IN AL,DX OUT OUT port#, AL OUT DX,AL IN _inp(port#) OUT _outp(port#,byte)

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