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FY12 Accountability Updates
AYP FY12 Accountability Updates What’s new What has been updated Hello. My name is Nancy Brito. I am an Instructional Specialist in the Department of Educational Data Warehouse, Accountability, and School Improvement. This presentation provides a brief description of accountability updates for the school year.
This is what we know today!
11/14/2018 Disclaimer This is what we know today! 11/14/2018 Things will change tomorrow!!!! 11/14/2018 I must include this disclaimer because the information contained in these slides is the most recent we have from the Florida Department of Education. But, we know that tomorrow everything can and will change because there is much information that is yet to be determined. There is much To Be Determined (TBD)!
What's New in Assessment and Accountability
11/14/2018 FY12 AYP AYP FY2012 Proficiency Targets Reading Mathematics 86 AYP is not new, but the reading and mathematics proficiency targets are. The target for reading is 86% and for mathematics is also 86%. 86% 86% NEW! Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX48850
What's New in Assessment and Accountability
FY12 AYP Accountability AYP Grade Reading Math Writing 3 FCAT 2.0 NA 4 FCAT 5 6 7 8 9 Algebra 1 EOC* 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading and Mathematics will be used in AYP calculation in grades 3 through 8. (CLICK) At the high school level, the Algebra 1 EOC assessment results will be part of AYP calculation. (CLICK) The FY11 Algebra 1 EOC assessment results of FY11 eighth graders will be used in the FY12 HS AYP calculation. However, the FLDOE has not yet determined to what extent. Throughout this presentation assessments in red are computer-based and those in black, and the FCAT 2.0 in green are paper-based. *To what extent the 2011 Algebra 1 EOC test results for eighth graders will be used in high school accountability calculations for FY12 has not been finalized. Red = Computer-based testing (CBT) Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX48850
FY12 School Grade Accountability - EL
What's New in Assessment and Accountability FY12 School Grade Accountability - EL Reading Mathematics Writing Science % Meeting High Standards FCAT 2.0 FCAT Gr. 4 FCAT 2.0 Gr. 5 % Making Learning Gains FAA Low 25% Science FCAT 2.0 NEW! At the elementary level the FCAT 2.0 in Reading and Mathematics will continue to be used to calculate school grade. (CLICK) What is new at this level is the Science FCAT 2.0. FY12 is the first year the FCAT 2.0 in science will be used and will continue to be administered at grade 5. Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX48850
FY12 School Grade Accountability - MS
What's New in Assessment and Accountability FY12 School Grade Accountability - MS Reading Mathematics Writing Science % Meeting High Standards FCAT 2.0 Gr. 7, 8 FCAT 2.0 Gr. 6 FCAT 2.0 Algebra 1 EOC FCAT Gr. 8 FCAT 2.0 Gr. 8 % Making Learning Gains FAA FCAT 2.0 Algebra 1 EOC (?)* Low 25% FCAT 2.0 Grade 6 CBT Algebra 1 EOC part of school grade calculation Science FCAT 2.0 NEW! There are many updates and changes at the Middle School level. (CLICK) Most notably, FCAT 2.0 Reading in grade 6 will be computer based. (CLICK) In mathematics, the FCAT 2.0 and the Algebra 1 EOC assessment will be part of school grade calculation. How EOC’s calculation will be determined has not been finalized. It is part of an ongoing conversation at the State level. (CLICK) Science FCAT 2.0 has replaced the FCAT at grade 8. *The calculation for EOCs has not yet been finalized. Red = Computer-based testing (CBT) Black = Paper Based Testing (PBT) Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX48850
FY12 School Grade Accountability - MS
What's New in Assessment and Accountability 11/14/2018 FY12 School Grade Accountability - MS NEW! Other Middle School Components TBD High-school-level EOCs Participation (50% of HS EOC weighting) Performance (50% of HS EOC weighting) Attainment of Industry Certification As data becomes available New at the Middle School Level. Grading will include components other than the FCAT 2.0. High school End-of-Course assessments taken by middle school students will be part of the school grade calculation. Participation in EOC assessments will weight 50% and the Performance in EOC assessment will weigh 50%. In addition, the attainment of Industry certification by middle school students will also be part of school grade calculation as data becomes available. How these components will be included in the calculation is yet to be determined. Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX48850
FY12 School Grade Accountability - HS
What's New in Assessment and Accountability FY12 School Grade Accountability - HS Reading Mathematics Writing Science % Meeting High Standards FCAT 2.0 Gr. 9 FCAT 2.0 Gr. 10 Algebra 1 EOC FCAT Gr. 10 Biology EOC (?)* % Making Learning Gains FAA Algebra 1 EOC (?)* Low 25% % Making Learning Gains Retake Bonus Points FCAT Retake/ FCAT 2.0 Retake FCAT Retake FCAT 2.0 Grade 10 Reading - CBT FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake - CBT Algebra 1 EOC Assessment – Learning Gains TBD Biology EOC Assessment Use TBD NEW! At the High school level for the FCAT Components, FCAT Reading 2.0 is used for school grade calculation. (CLICK) The Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading will be computer based. FY12 is the first time the results of the FCAT 2.0 reading will have a Retake version. It is also computer based. (CLICK) In the Mathematics cells, to what extent the Algebra 1 EOC will be used for High Standards and Learning Gains has not been finalized. (CLICK) The use of the Biology EOC in high standards calculating is being explored by the Department of Education and the advisory groups. How to include it as the science component is yet to be determined. *The calculation for EOCs has not yet been finalized. Red = Computer-based testing (CBT) Black = Paper Based Testing (PBT) Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX48850
What's New in Assessment and Accountability
11/14/2018 FY12 Accountability Low High Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 NEW! To Be Determined (TBD) Standard Setting Achievement Levels (Levels 1-5) FCAT 2.0 Reading and Mathematics Algebra 1 EOC Cut scores Proposed date: November 2011 This year the standard setting committee will convene to determine the achievement levels cut scores for the FCAT 2.0 Reading and FCAT 2.0 Mathematics, as well as the Algebra 1 EOC assessments. We will then have a matrix that will identify the score ranges and cut scores for the five achievement levels in each of the assessments. The standards should be set and approved by the State Board of Education by November 2011. Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX48850
What's New in Assessment and Accountability
11/14/2018 FY12 Accountability NEW! To Be Determined (TBD) Algebra 1 EOC Calculation High Standards Learning Gains As I previously mentioned, to what extent the Algebra 1 EOC calculations will be used in middle and high school accountability have yet to be determined. Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX48850
What's New in Assessment and Accountability
11/14/2018 FY12 Accountability FCAT Writing Changes to the Scoring in 2012 Same rubric Increase attention to the correct use of standard English conventions More stringent holistic scoring Although the FCAT writing target for school grade is 4 points or higher and for AYP is 3 points or higher, it is worth noting that there will be increased attention to the correct use of standard English conventions when scoring the essays. The same rubric is used, but with a more stringent holistic scoring. Same Targets AYP 3.0 or higher School Grade 4.0 or higher Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX48850
FY12 Non-FCAT Components Measures - HS
Accountability: School Grade 11/14/2018 FY12 Non-FCAT Components Measures - HS Graduation Accelerated Coursework College Readiness Growth/Decline Overall Possible Points Participation Possible Points Reading 100 Possible Points Growth 160 Points Maximum At-Risk Possible Points Performance Possible Points Mathematics Decline 40 Points Maximum Total Graduation Points = 300 Total Acceleration Points = 300 Total Readiness Points = 200 Points Possible = 800 The Non-FCAT Components in HS Accountability continue to include Graduation Rate, Accelerated Coursework and College Readiness as are the Growth and Decline within the components. (CLICK) However, There is a change in the number of possible points a school may attain in Accelerated Coursework Participation and in Performance. The maximum number of points a school may attain in each of the cells is 150. Nancy E. Brito, Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX47521
FY12 Non-FCAT Components Measures - HS
Accountability: School Grade 11/14/2018 FY12 Non-FCAT Components Measures - HS NEW! Graduation Accelerated Coursework College Ready Growth/Decline Overall Possible Points Participation Possible Points Reading 100 Possible Points Growth 160 Points Maximum At-Risk Possible Points Performance Possible Points Mathematics Decline 40 Points Maximum Total Graduation Points = 300 Total Acceleration Points = 300 Total Readiness Points = 200 Total Points Possible = 800 FY12 Graduation Rate Based on Federal Uniform Rate Graduates = Standard Diploma Recipients FY12 Graduation Rate will be based on the Federal Uniform Rate. In this graduation rate model, standard diploma recipients are the only students considered as graduates. Nancy E. Brito, Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX47521
FY12 Non-FCAT Components Measures - HS
Accountability: School Grade 11/14/2018 FY12 Non-FCAT Components Measures - HS Accelerated Coursework Participation Numerator Denominator All 9th through 12th graders who took an accelerated exam or dual enrollment course during the academic year (weighted) All 11th and 12th graders NEW! The numerator in Accelerated Coursework Participation has changed to include all 9th to 12th graders who took an accelerated exam or dual enrollment course during the academic year. Nancy E. Brito, Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX47521
FY12 Non-FCAT Components Measures - HS
Accountability: School Grade 11/14/2018 FY12 Non-FCAT Components Measures - HS Accelerated Coursework Performance Numerator Denominator Number of successful outcomes in accelerated coursework (weighted) by a student in grades 9 through 12 All 9th through 12th graders who took an accelerated exam or dual enrollment course during the academic year NEW! The denominator in Accelerated Coursework Performance has changed to include all 9th to 12th graders who took an accelerated exam or dual enrollment course during the academic year. Nancy E. Brito, Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX47521
FY12 Non-FCAT Components Measures - HS
Accountability: School Grade 11/14/2018 FY12 Non-FCAT Components Measures - HS College Readiness Numerator Denominator Reading Number of students scoring ready on SAT, ACT, CPT, and/or P.E.R.T.* On-time school graduates who scored at Levels 1 through 5 on the 10th Grade FCAT Reading Mathematics On-time school graduates who scored at Levels 1 through 5 on FCAT Grade 10 Mathematics NEW! The college readiness denominators in reading and mathematics respectively is to include all on-time graduates who scored at Levels 1 through 5 on the Grade 10 FCAT. (CLICK) The numerator will include students scoring ready on the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test, P.E.R.T., as well as the SAT, ACT, and/or CPT. The cut scores for P.E.R.T. are yet to be determined. *Postsecondary Education Readiness Test Nancy E. Brito, Dept. of Assessment, Division of Performance Accountability, , PX47521
FY 11 and Beyond Graduation Requirement
Year Entering Grade 9 Reading Math Science Grad Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0: 300 linked to FCAT FCAT 300 (DSS 1889) Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0: Level 3 Algebra 1 EOC : 30% of Course Grade* Algebra 1 EOC: Level 3 Geometry EOC : Biology EOC : 30% of Course Grade* Geometry EOC: Level 3 Biology EOC: Level 3 Graduation requirements: Students entering grade 9 for the first time in FY12 are part of the graduation cohort. They are required to attain a level 3 in the Grade 10 Reading FCAT 2.0 and in the Algebra 1 EOC assessment. The Geometry and Biology EOCs will each constitute 30% of the course grade. *This requirement does not apply to students who complete the course prior to this year.
Questions regarding accountability?
Contact: Nancy E. Brito Division of Performance Accountability Department of Educational Data Warehouse, Accountability, and School Improvement , PX47521 This concludes this Vodcast on accountability updates. If you have questions or need further clarification please feel free to contact me via or phone. Thank you and have a great day! AYP
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