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Micro data linking – call for proposal item 12 of the agenda

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1 Micro data linking – call for proposal item 12 of the agenda
Structural Business Statistics Working Group 14 April 2015, Luxembourg

2 Area1. Further development and extension of MDL of structural business statistics and other business statistics Topic 1: set up of new MDL databases and fill in tables/databases with data or update existing MDL databases with 2013 data Data sources to be used are: structural business statistics (SBS), international trade in goods statistics (ITGS), ICT usage survey (ICT), foreign affiliate statistics (FATS), business demography (BD), global value chain/international sourcing survey (GVC/IS) research and development statistics from BERD and CIS (R&D) National/European Business Registers (BR/EGR)

3 Area1. Further development and extension of MDL of structural business statistics and other business statistics Topic 2: linking of ITGS, BD and SBS to identify different types of enterprises produce SBS (TEC and EBD) statistics e.g. for following types of enterprises: high growth enterprises (HGE) young enterprises (1 to 5 year old surviving enterprises), young high growth enterprises (Gazelles with a 10% growth or more instead of 20% as in Business Demography Manual)

4 Area1. Further development and extension of MDL of structural business statistics and other business statistics Topic 3: linking of R&D statistics with structural business statistics there is very limited experience in linking R&D statistics with other business/enterprise statistics within the ESS this topic aims at assessing the feasibility to link R&D statistics with structural business statistics and produce statistics from the linked datasets

5 Area2. Production of services trade statistics by enterprise characteristics
the aim is to produce international services trade by enterprise characteristics (STEC) data with different aggregations for achieving the goal, the first STEC Task Force held in Eurostat in 2013 defined the level of aggregations for the data tables to be compiled the methodology and the levels of data aggregation to be produced will be reviewed by the second STEC Task Force in 2015 the resulting STEC data will be disseminated by Eurostat and used as the input for important economic indicators

6 General information on applications
Applications for one or both areas of work accepted: each applicant should make only one application it is possible to make an application for one or both areas of work within the Area 1 it is also possible to apply for one or more topics in case the application is made for both areas, one should provide separate descriptions of the planned work per area Central Banks welcome to participate countries are requested to forward this letter and its annexes to all other national authorities that have technical competence, adequate specialisation or administrative power for the implementation of this action if they are not included in the list of authorities referred to in Article 5(2) of Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics, countries are asked to inform Eurostat accordingly

7 General information on applications
Multibeneficiary grant agreements accepted If countries intend to apply in collaboration with a co-partner, countries are asked to contact Eurostat in order to be provided with the appropriate forms and documentation for the multibeneficiary grant agreement application Budget European Commission has a budget of EUR ,00 and invites all National Statistical Institutes of the 28 Member States and the National Statistical Institutes of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to participate Actions are financed under the shared cost principle at least 30% of the action costs must be funded by beneficiary's own sources or third parties, EU financial contribution will be up to 70% of eligible costs of the action considered EU contributions below EUR ,00 per grant agreement will not be awarded

8 General information on applications
Approximate timetable The action should start in January 2016 Estimated duration of Area 1 is 12 months Estimated duration of Area 2 is 6 months A detailed timetable (including deliverables, results and reports) should be provided in the application The call for proposal is open until April 30, 2015

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