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Presented by teachHOUSTON Student Society

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1 Presented by teachHOUSTON Student Society
Staying Organized Presented by teachHOUSTON Student Society

2 Moment of truth... By a show of hands:
How many of you feel extremely organized thus far? Disorganized? Do you have your time management under control? Have you missed assignment deadlines or ed professors for extensions? How many of you feel as if you could’ve done more? How many of you are willing to step it up and start doing more? Are you willing to accept responsibility? When you complete an assignment, are you pleased with the final product?

3 Planning Ahead Lay your clothes/supplies out the night before
Make check lists and double check due dates Even if you don’t feel up to it, do whatever you have on your check list (you’ll thank yourself later) Have realistic expectations of yourself Don’t procrastinate on large assignments Do them little by little each day! Set aside time to do personal tasks and to enjoy life Don’t cram multiple events or tests into one week if you have the choice not to!

4 Creating a Schedule It’s not too late! Examples: Planners
Microsoft Excel Schedule Template Sheet(s) Phone Calendar Setting Reminders/Alarms Google Calendar (notification friendly) Outlook Calendar (notification friendly)

5 Checklist Apps/Resources
Wunderlist Panda Planner Google Keep Any List Awesome Note Qapital Mint Ever Note

6 Ask Yourself... Is this assignment more important than my exam grade?
Prioritize Am I taking every opportunity to study? Am I making excuses for not studying?

7 Grade Calculating Curious as to what your grade is currently in a class? Use this online resource:

8 GPA Calculating Wondering what your prospective GPA will be as you play around with potential final letter grades? Here are some resources offered by UH:

9 FIN Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for how to stay organized and remain on top of things!

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