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A Little Bit About Myself. A Little Bit About Myself.

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2 A Little Bit About Myself

3 Ms. Allison Hecht ext. 5226 Note in planner Teacher Webpage

4 Homeroom Parents- 2nd Grade
Mrs. Tomasso & Ms. Wolkun’s Homeroom Daniela Rosa- Rachel Jacobs- Michelle Shoback-

5 Homeroom Parents- 3rd Grade *Ms. Cartolano’s Homeroom
Christina Allian- Jen O’Sheal- Eugenia Chiang (Lin)- Nancy D'Amato-

6 Classroom Procedures and Expectations
Every morning, students copy their homework into their planners. Students are required to write their name and number on every assignment, including homework. Homework is always a review of what is taught in class. Board Policy: -Teachers are not allowed to provide homework in advance when vacations are taken when school is in session. We suggest students keep a writing journal and read a book. -After the 2nd day of an illness, homework may be requested. Students are expected to read for at least 15 minutes every night. This is part of their homework. Please remember to initial and record the reading minutes in the planner each night.

7 Second grade life… Morning Routine Math/Snack Writing Specials
Recess/Lunch Reading Fundations Snack/Social Studies/Science Pack up

8 Third grade life… Morning Routine Math/Snack Reading Writing
Recess/Lunch Social Studies/Science Specials Snack/ Word Study/Sonday Pack up

9 Read for at least 15-20 minutes
Usually 4 nights a week Read for at least minutes Sign planner every night AFTER homework is completed About 30 minutes Check to make sure it is completed Assigned to reinforce and practice skills introduced in class Important to set up a routine for your child (quiet place to complete it, a place to put it when done, planner out while completing it, etc.)

10 Do my tasks Have materials Be where I belong Control myself Follow directions Speak considerately Classroom promises

11 PARCC- 3rd Grade Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers English Language Arts (ELA) and Math Online Assesses the Common Core State Standards Specific testing dates will be communicated along with more information from the state

12 3rd Grade Language Arts Philosophy Balanced literacy Active literacy Gradual Release of Responsibility Teacher modeling Guided practice Collaborative practice Independent practice GOAL-application

13 3rd Grade Language Arts Reading Components Reading Workshop Read aloud books Guided Reading (non-fiction) Independent Reading Tracking thinking Notebooks and Chromebooks Book Clubs Learning Alley

14 3rd Grade Language Arts Writing Components Writing Workshop/Units of Study Narrative, Information, Opinion Modeled writing, shared writing, guided writing Drafting, Conferencing, Revising, Editing, Publishing Word Study / Sonday/ Sonday / S.P.I.R.E Vocabulary Daily Oral Language Review

15 3rd Grade Math Concepts Operations and Algebraic Thinking- represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division Multiply and divide within 100 By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers

16 3rd Grade Math Concepts Number and Operations-Fractions Develop understanding of fractions as numbers: a. part of a whole or a group b. on the number line c. equivalence and ordering Measurement and Data Time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects Area and perimeter Represent and interpret data: a. draw and interpret picture and bar graphs b. generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch

17 Geometry 2-dimensional shapes and their attributes Number and Operations in Base Ten Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic: a. round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 b. fluently add and subtract within 1, 000 Exploration of concepts before learning the steps to solve problems Hands-on , differentiated activities Numerous strategies Higher-level thinking Solve multistep problems Explain thinking Real-life applications Deeper level of understanding Online opportunities for learning Compacting

18 2nd Grade Social Studies
UNIT 1: Communities UNIT 2: Geography/All About Earth UNIT 3: Communities of Long Ago UNIT 4: Economics UNIT 5: Government/Our Government

19 3rd Grade Social Studies
Unit 1: Communities Unit 2: Native American communities Unit 3: Jamestown Unit 4: Pioneers-Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark Unit 5: Immigrants Unit 6: Economics Unit 7: Local, state and national government




23 Digital Resources ClassLink Google Drive/Classroom Chromebook Think Central (Go Math) RAZ kids/Kids A-Z Vocabulary and Spelling City Brain Pop Edu Typing, Jr. Student Resources math book (workbook)

24 Thank you for visiting and all of your support!
Sign up for a November conference Class party sign up sheet list Children’s work Quiz on desk Write a note to your child 

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