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Presentation on theme: "FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Doctor Up Your Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Doctor Up Your Writing

2 But Why??? Is your writing putting people to sleep?
Is it putting you to sleep?

3 Think about this sentence…
The horse was fast.


5 What about this… The Horse was a roaring locomotive,
speeding over the fields like a bolt of lightning! The Horse was a roaring locomotive,


7 Now that’s more like it Do you see what’s happening?
You are actually painting a picture for your reader Not just telling them something

8 How about this one? I really love you!

9 What does that mean????

10 What is That Telling your reader?

11 Draw a picture for your reader…
She was his sun, his moon, his stars—she was everything to him.

12 Girls, would you rather be everything or just a far-out idea?

13 Let’s try one more… He was a good fighter.

14 Paint a picture with your words!
He fought like a raging lion, backed into a corner.

15 It’s a little more convincing…
That’s more like it… It’s a little more convincing…

16 Now it’s your turn… Paint your words…

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