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Administrators Retreat

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1 Administrators Retreat
Missing PLC Puzzle PieceOf IS Impact on Student Learning Administrators Retreat MAC July 2011

2 Look for……… Building level leadership team member provides constructive, timely, feedback to all PLC’s before lesson/unit is taught. (compare lesson to curriculum map)

3 Feedback Examples:

4 Look for………….. PLC is facilitated by a teacher leader or administrative leader. (CIA member, dept./grade level chair/ coordinator/lead teacher)

5 Look for………. Principal meets regularly with school leadership team/PLC facilitators.

6 Look for…………. Principal uses Professional Learning Community as a vehicle for School Improvement. (This is a collective look of your school -SMART goals –supporting CSIP.)

7 Look for…………. Through observations, the leadership team is looking at classroom practices to assure they reflect the work of the PLC and are impacting student achievement. (ALL formative data such as: Think Link, EXPLORE, PLAN, progress reports, grades).

8 PLC Success Story
Evidence: Leadership team member present evidence to COILT monitoring team displaying impact on student achievement and RESULTS. Document review: Lesson plans, Administrative Notebooks, Team Sheet, E-walk data, Agenda/Sign-in, Interviews, assessments, quality products, data folders, benchmark data PLC Success Story

9 Sample Monitor Visit Agenda

10 Feedback “If we fail to provide you with honest feedback, we are robbing you of the opportunity to improve.”

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