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How did the United States get all that land so fast?

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Presentation on theme: "How did the United States get all that land so fast?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the United States get all that land so fast?
Question to ponder….

2 Louisiana Purchase A.c.1803, France owned the Louisiana Territory.
B. Napoleon Bonaparte needed money to finance his war. C. France was unable to protect the Louisiana Territory. D. Jefferson purchases the Territory for $15 million. E. Jefferson sent Lewis & Clark to explore the territory and find the Northwest Passage. Louisiana Purchase

3 A. In 1816, Andy Jackson (Andrew Jackson) marched into Spanish territory (Florida) to eliminate a fort controlled by runaway slaves. B. In 1818, Gen. Andy Jackson led an army detachment into Florida to pursue Indians who were attacking Americans and using Florida as a refuge. C. The Spanish were angered at these excursions into their territory. Jackson’s invasions proved that the Spanish could no longer control Florida. D. After negotiations, the Spanish agreed to give Florida to the U.S. after the U.S. Govt. paid a $5 million debt owed Spain. Florida

4 A. In 1821, the Mexican government offered a land grant to Moses Austin. Stephen Austin recruited 300 American families to move to Texas. B. The Americans agreed to: 1. obey Mexican laws. 2. speak Spanish. 3. convert to Catholicism. C Mexican government abolishes slavery angering some Americans. D Americans rebelled against Mexican rule. E. In 1836, Texas becomes an Independent nation. In 1845 Texas is admitted to the Union. Texas

5 A. At one time Oregon was claimed by Russia, Spain, Great Britain, and the U.S.
B. By the 1820’s Britain and the U.S. agreed to a joint occupation of Oregon. C Polk promises the American people to bring Texas and Oregon into the Union. D. After threats of war, Britain agrees to extend the current U.S. Canada boundary, 49 deg. lat., to the west coast. Oregon

6 A. The area of California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah was part of Mexico in 1846. B. After a minor border dispute, President Polk convinced Congress to declare war on Mexico. C. Within months, the U.S. had defeated the Mexican army, invaded Mexico City, and occupied about half the country. D. As part of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, the U.S. paid only $15 million for the land it seized. E. In 1853, the U.S. paid an additional $10 million for the Gadsden Purchase. Mexican-American War

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