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Metal Window & Door Enclosures

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1 Metal Window & Door Enclosures
NHRFR Lesson Plans Metal Window & Door Enclosures Metal Enclosures

2 Overview “VPS” Enclosures Key to removal is to ID securing device
Doors Windows Key to removal is to ID securing device Key to safety is to identify the concern before the fire Know your area Metal Enclosures

3 Metal Enclosures

4 Metal Enclosures

5 Metal Enclosures

6 Window Enclosures Heavy, galvanized sheet metal 15 gauge metal 3 Types
Metal Tab & Turnbuckle Anchor-Head & Ratcheted Cable Side-Pin Identification – the only way to defeat them Metal Enclosures

7 Anchor-Head / Ratcheted Cable
Metal Tab / Turnbuckle Metal Enclosures

8 Metal Tab / Turnbuckle Front View Rear View Metal Enclosures

9 Metal Tab / Turnbuckle Metal Enclosures

10 Metal Tab / Turnbuckle Metal Enclosures

11 Remove all 4 sides to create egress point and ladder access
Metal Tab / Turnbuckle Remove all 4 sides to create egress point and ladder access Metal Enclosures

12 Anchor Head / Ratcheted Cable
Metal Enclosures

13 Anchor Head / Ratcheted Cable
Metal Enclosures

14 Side-Pin Metal Enclosures

15 Side-Pin Metal Enclosures

16 Metal Enclosures

17 Metal Enclosures

18 Side-Pin Metal Enclosures

19 Side-Pin Metal Enclosures

20 The Doors Metal Enclosures

21 Metal Enclosures

22 The Doors Metal Enclosures

23 Strategic Considerations
Command Consider how many companies will be “eaten up” forcing entry. Call for help early Decentralize Command by placing Command Officers in areas of priority Be especially cognizant of potential hazards posed by the structure. It is vacant! Metal Enclosures

24 Strategic Considerations
Command Consider forcing the windows before forcing the door Be sure before personnel enter, that adequate secondary egress is provided Failure to remove the windows with personnel inside will jeopardize safety due to: Inadequate ventilation Inadequate secondary means of egress If the place lights up, the openings can be used for stream penetration. Metal Enclosures

25 Strategic Considerations
Command Be prepared for heavy fire or potential backdraft conditions caused by entry delays Keep your exposures covered Light up the area Safety is the overriding concern Metal Enclosures

26 Strategic Considerations
Rescue If enclosures only cover the first floor, scan the building for victims showing at upper floors If entry is to be made, use a TIC and a lifeline and ensure ground ladders are raised to all sides of the building as additional egress paths Metal Enclosures

27 Strategic Considerations
Rescue If there is heavy fire, consider how far personnel will be committed for a search. If it has been burning a long time due to notification and/or entry delays, can there be anyone left alive inside? Always conduct a secondary search Metal Enclosures

28 Strategic Considerations
Attack Ensure two water supplies Ensure lines are in place, charged, and ready to go before entry is made. Consider the potential direction of spread and position lines to head it off Metal Enclosures

29 Strategic Considerations
Attack Consider the feasibility of an attack without adequate ventilation. Hold the horses at the barn door until we can get the building opened up. Don’t be afraid to darken the fire down from the outside first. Metal Enclosures

30 Strategic Considerations
Ventilation Closed-up buildings require total ventilation. Consider if you want your personnel operating inside a building that is not cooperating with ventilation efforts Be aware of the potential for heavy fire conditions even before enclosures are totally removed. Expect it as they are removed. Metal Enclosures

31 Strategic Considerations
Ventilation Metal chews up saw blades. Request additional crews, additional saws, blades, and fuel If possible, remove all window materials once enclosure is removed. Sometimes only half the window has been used for the framing materials. It will be necessary to remove the remaining glass and sash. Metal Enclosures

32 Strategic Considerations
Extension Prevention Consider exposures when opening up the building Stretch lines in anticipation of fire conditions erupting from removed enclosures Consider building construction and paths of least resistance when anticipating fire spread. Metal Enclosures

33 Safety Considerations
The metal, when cut, will not only produce sparks, but it may be extremely hot from the fire in the building. The jagged edges produced by cutting it will be sharp. Take all necessary precautions and properly wear PPE including proper hand and eye protection. Metal Enclosures

34 Safety Considerations
Remember, this is a vacant building! Once inside, all of the dangers inherent in vacant structures are likely to be present. Risk a lot to save a lot. Risk nothing to save nothing. A burned-down vacant is no longer a concern to us. What our personnel are risking their necks for today will be trucked away tomorrow Metal Enclosures

35 Stay Safe Out There! Metal Enclosures

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