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The Mutant Protein Plastic Killer

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1 The Mutant Protein Plastic Killer
By Imogen, Georgia, Lily, Ziva and Aaliyah

2 SAS Be the change We are giving this presentation because we need to take action against what’s happening in the oceans. WE need to know: Does the world really care??????? BE THE CHANGE!

3 What’s the Idea? Scientists have recently discovered a mutant protein that eats plastic. We can hopefully use it to DEVOUR some of this nuisance plastic. The protein is a type of enzyme, and acts as a sort of catalyst. We’re not sure how it actually eats the plastic, but here’s a handy diagram to show you what we think will happen: Protein eats plastic Plastic Bottle The Protein

4 Why we need to stop plastic
By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. And 99% of seabirds will have eaten plastic. 100 million animals get killed A year. 500 billion 1 trillion Bags get used a year. Up to 100,000 fish get killed a year.

5 Why this is important to us
Doing this is so important to us because otherwise………….it will be too late. Our planet is suffering from the course of our actions. Animals dying without knowing why. Is this right? This is the famous… Peanut the turtle. Caught in a plastic can ring, she was forced to swim the oceans until finally rescued.

6 Putting our plan into reality
When we think of this as reality, we need a lot of things. For instance, we will actually need the mutant protein. We need a scientist, and we need to plan a trip to a local rubbish dump. This is where we will make a start. Sounds impossibly unlikely, but we believe it’s …………….ACHIEVABLE!

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