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Lecture 3 From process-oriented to agent-oriented programming.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 3 From process-oriented to agent-oriented programming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 3 From process-oriented to agent-oriented programming.
Distributed object systems. Bond objects. Communication. Asynchronous communication. Event handling. Semantic understanding of messages. Probes.


3 Bond basics Distributed-object system.
Message passing distributed object system. Why? Other systems, e.g. Jini are based upon Java RMI.

4 Bond objects A Bond object extends the standard Java object with:
Unique identifier. Communication support. Serialization and cloning. Dynamic properties. Multiple inheritance. Visual Editor. Light-weight objects (e.g. messages, shadows)

5 Bond resident Container Object.
Directory. Each object is registered at the time of creation. Aliases. Communication Engine – runs at a known port on a system with a given BondIPAddress

6 Communication engine

7 Local shadow of a remote object
We wish to communicate with a remote object as if it were local. To do so we need a local representative of the remote object. Proxy in Voyager Stub in RMI Stubs are used to create VONs Shadows are used to crfeate a local copy of a remote object.

8 Communication with remote objects -bond shadows

9 Virtual Object Networks, VONs

10 Object mobility

11 Message composition The system supports messages in KQML and XML format. Message composition – putting all pieces together: The contents of the message. The source. The destination. The sub-protocol – we’ll talk about them later. For now think of a subprotocol as a dialect that two objects understand…..

12 KQML performatives Categories of performatives: Queries: ask;
Responses: tell; Informational: Generative: Capability: Networking:



15 Asynchronous communication using reply-waiting slots

16 Event handling Java objects use listeners abstractions to capture events. Corba uses an event service. Bond uses event waiting slots.


18 The subscribe-notify model. Event waiting slots.

19 Subprotocols Dialects.
Closed sets of messages required for a “conversation”. Each message is stamped with the subprotocol it belongs to. Each bond object: has a property called subprotocols implemented that lists all the subprotocols it understands. Implements the bondAccessSubprotocol


21 Subprotocol inheritance
Static inheritance Dynamic inheritance. Probes extend an object and allow it to speak a new protocol. Probes are dynamic properties.



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