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Environmental Issues Mapping Field Lab

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1 Environmental Issues Mapping Field Lab
September 1-2, 2016

2 *Participation by all members is expected*
Directions Divide into six groups: 3 per group for 1 A/B 4 per group for 3 B, but one will have 5 Each group, take a packet of colored maps, plain sheet of paper, clipboard, and pencil Using the maps as a reference, walk the school property to identify and map at least six environmental concerns (or potential concerns) Include water ways, main school buildings on drawn map as reference points. On the back of the created map(s) or on separate paper, describe the environmental concerns noted Evaluation will be based on accuracy and professional quality *Participation by all members is expected*




6 Environmental Site Evaluations
Phase One Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) Typically done for commercial and/or industrial property transactions To eliminate liability issues of existing contamination Focus is on the environmental aspects and not structural Visual observations Historical documentation of previous land uses Photographs No samples collected

7 Environmental Site Evaluations
Phase Two ESAs Conducted when a Phase One Assessment results in actual or suspected problems Collects soil and/or water samples to confirm or test the level of contamination Potentially determine the source of contamination May be as simple as hand collection of samples May involve drilling of a well to pull a groundwater sample or heavy equipment to dig a certain depth to collect a soil sample (or determine depth of impacted soil) Typical examples: Leaking Petroleum Storage Tanks Industrial Sites where chemical manufacturing took place, buried industrial waste or byproducts, built prior to current environmental design regulations Can also include a biological evaluation of species present or abundance Typical and rare (endangered)

8 Environmental Site Evaluations
Public Relations Consultant Evaluate perception of environmental issues or contamination outsiders may be concerned about Ex.: Leaking dumpsters, wasting water, accumulated trash, etc.

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