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Tracers for long residence times He, (Rn), 40Ar

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1 Tracers for long residence times He, (Rn), 40Ar

2 Noble gases in groundwater
solubility equilibrium => He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe excess air => He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe 3H => 3He, T1/2=12.43y U, Th (a) decay series => 4He 6Li(n,a)3H => 3He Mantel sources => 3He, 4He 40K => 40Ar U fission => 136Xe, 134Xe, 132Xe, 86Kr 226Ra => 222Rn

3 Release mechanisms, 4He, 222Rn (etc)
222Rn halflife: 3.8 days use of Rn as measure of U, Th concentrations depends very much on grain size useful tracer for discharge of groundwater into surface waters Torgersen, 1980

4 Non-atmospheric noble gases in groundwater
Isotope ~1% increase in liquid phase 222Rn <day 4He y 40Ar 5·106y 86Kr 6 ·1010y 131Xe 2 ·1010y 132Xe 3 ·109y 134Xe 9 ·108y 136Xe 7 ·108y * (assume in situ production, only local accumulation, complete release)

5 He in groundwater 4He Concentration 3He/4He (ccSTP/g)
Solubility equilibrium: ~4.6• •10-6 Excess air: 0….5 • •10-6 Crustal He: up to ….10-7 U, Th => a => 4He 6Li(n,a)3H => 3He Mantel He: up to •10-5 primordial He: •10-4 Tritium: 

6 Mantle He R/Ra: He isotope ratio relative to the atmosphere

7 He balance He excess:

8 Separation of the components

9 Crustal (‘radiogenic’) in situ production
A: 4He accumulation rate in water CU, CTh: concentrations in solid phase in mg/g N, neff: porosity, effective (flushed) porosity L: release factor Typical rate: 5*10-12 ccSTPg-1

10 Great Artesian Basin Torgersen & Clarke, 1985 Torgersen & Ivey, 1985

11 Model:

12 He excess, Namibia He excess (ccSTP/g) C age (years) 0 10 2 10 4 10
2 10 -5 4 10 6 10 8 10 1 10 -4 1.2 10 1.4 10 10000 20000 30000 40000 He excess (ccSTP/g) 14 C age (years) He excess, Namibia

13 Great Hungarian Plain Stute et al., 1992


15 Great Hungarian Plain

16 4He accumulation model U, Th => a => 4He

17 Great Hungarian Plain

18 Great Hungarian Plain

19 Great Hungarian Plain

20 Great Hungarian Plain Peclet number:

21 Sturgeon Falls, Ontario
Solomon et al., 1996

22 Solomon et al., 1996

23 Presence of crustal Helium! Release rate 300x in situ production
Source is non equilibrium diffusion out of sediments Solomon et al., 1996

24 The paradox of gw age Bethge and Johnson, 2002

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