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Water Resources Chapter 11 part 1.

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1 Water Resources Chapter 11 part 1

2 Water Cycle

3 Global Distribution

4 Fresh Water 71% of earth covered with water
3% of the earth’s water is Fresh water. Of all the fresh water 77% is frozen 22% is ground water 1% is surface fresh water

5 Surface Water

6 Surface Water All the Fresh Water on the Earth’s Surface.
River systems are the streams and tributaries. These branches resemble roots of a tree or veins on a leaf. The largest River systems are the Amazon, Mississippi and Nile.

7 River system


9 Water Shed The Area of Land that is drained by a river is called the water shed. Pollution in any area of a watershed will travel with the water into the main river. Changes in the River can be seasonal

10 Watershed

11 Ground water Ground water is water stored beneath the earth’s surface.
This water is stored between rock and in soil. The water reaches a level where the rocks and soil are water saturated and this is called the WATER TABLE.

12 Aquifer An Aquifer is the underground formation that contains the ground water.

13 -Most aquifers consist of rock, sand, and gravel.

14 Porous and permeability
How can a rock formation hold gallons of water? Porosity:Amount of space between the particles that make up a rock.


16 Permeability: ability of rock or soil to allow water to flow through it.

17 Water Use


19 Aquifer & Recharge Zone

20 Filtration of Water in the Recharge Zone
Today’s lab is on Ground water filtration. Water travels through soil, sand/clay to the aquifer. What if any contaminates are removed by these layers before they reach the ground water system?

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