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Extraordinary Gifts [This presentation, ‘Build a farm’, is to be used to introduce a congregation or group to the Extraordinary Gift, ‘Build a farm’, to.

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Presentation on theme: "Extraordinary Gifts [This presentation, ‘Build a farm’, is to be used to introduce a congregation or group to the Extraordinary Gift, ‘Build a farm’, to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extraordinary Gifts [This presentation, ‘Build a farm’, is to be used to introduce a congregation or group to the Extraordinary Gift, ‘Build a farm’, to explain the difference the gift could make to women in Cameroon. This should be used once you have introduced your congregation to Extraordinary Gifts, using the presentation ‘Introduction to Extraordinary Gifts’ which is available to download from ‘Extraordinary Gifts’ are practical presents that help people in some of the world’s poorest communities not just at Christmas but for years to come. In this presentation we learn what difference the Extraordinary Gift, ‘Build a farm’, could make to poor communities in Cameroon.

2 Cameroon All We Can has been a partner with NADEV (Nkong Hill Top Common Initiative Group) since NADEV helps vulnerable women in Northern Cameroon to set up small businesses through training, financial and other support. The support received helps poor women who suffer from discrimination and marginalisation find livelihoods that will sustain them for the long-term, so that they can feed their families and invest in their future. 

3 This is Angela from Tole village in Northern Cameroon
This is Angela from Tole village in Northern Cameroon. The Northern region of Cameroon, in West Africa, is the poorest in the country. With a growing population and unpredictable climate, the greatest challenge for people is to gain an adequate livelihood and produce enough food to cover basic needs.  Most women in Cameroon have limited opportunities to improve their lives. Widows and single women are especially vulnerable, with many having to provide for themselves and their dependents on less than 60 pence a day. Widows also often have no voice in decisions affecting their lives, especially with issues of inheritance and property. This is due mainly to ignorance but also stigmatisation as widows are often accused of witchcraft practices and blamed for their husbands’ deaths. Angela is a widow and has experienced this kind of discrimination.

4 Before Angela relied on income provided by her work at a tea plantation, but unexpectedly she lost her job and found herself in a desperate situation. NADEV trained Angela in how to rear pigs and gave her some pigs so that she could set up a piggery. Here Angela is pictured outside of her pig farm.

5 Using the training she received, Angela spends nine months of the year fattening the pigs before selling them on. With the profit she makes she can invest back into her business, support her family and have an improved quality of life.

6 Build a farm Mazoh Martha Tonkah set up a small pig farm with the training and support she received from NADEV. £240 As a congregation/group we are raising money over this Christmas period to buy All We Can’s Extraordinary Gift, ‘Build a farm’. £240 pays all the construction costs of a pig farm for a vulnerable widow, providing a sustainable and secure future for a woman who has lost assets and hope due to the discriminatory practices that widows face in Cameroon.

7 [Add any practical arrangements you need to share applicable to the congregation/group, such as when you are taking a collection. Explain that the congregation will receive a certificate to display from All We Can to acknowledge the gift.] Image: Mazoh Martha Tonkah with other women in her village benefiting from the support from NADEV


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