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Rachel Baggaley and Gottfried Hirnschall WHO HIV Department

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1 Rachel Baggaley and Gottfried Hirnschall WHO HIV Department
Developing implementation guidance and formulating prevention packages and platforms Rachel Baggaley and Gottfried Hirnschall WHO HIV Department Meeting of the Global Prevention Coalition 10-11 October 2017

2 Outline Background UN Prevention Pillars Conclusions OBJECTIVES
Present overview of evidence-based intervention packages recommended by WHO Highlight country case examples

3 Background

4 Action point 4 Developing guidance, formulating intervention packages , identifying service delivery platforms, and updating operational plans Normative guidance for various programmes & interventions across the key pillars of prevention Combination prevention packages for specific key & priority populations Policy actions to guide activities Service delivery platforms for various interventions & packages Standard operating procedures implementation guidance for implementers (facility & community-based programmes)

5 Guiding principles Country lessons point to key principles for prevention success: A location-population approach addressing the heterogeneity of the HIV epidemic A people-centered approach that recognizes that different prevention options exist - individuals may choose various options at different stages of their lives Partnerships between government and community actors. Renewed prevention activism and a new compact between government and civil society organizations needed

6 Civil society is essential
Can facilitate change and achieving prevention targets: CBOs can deliver relevant and quality HIV prevention services to young people and key populations in circumstances where governments may struggle Civil society organizations can also advocate for legal and policy reforms to enable effective programs to be provided at scale.

7 Where we are now National leadership Partnerships and engagement Public sector Private sector Community Evidence based normative guidance→ implementation guidance Complementary approaches also addressing structural issues Strategic information for action Implementation packages and platforms HOW? -NSP Harm reduction: NSP and OST VMMC PrEP PEP STI management Condoms and lubricants HIV testing Partner/couples testing Behavioural interventions Treatment (as prevention) Mobile technologies Multiple HIV prevention options WHAT? Adolescent girls y Young women y Older women >25 y Serodiscordant couples Men and adolescent boys Key populations (MSM, SW, transgender people PWID and people in prisons) Other pop groups Significant heterogeneity, and intersections WHO?

8 UN Prevention Pillars

9 Adolescent girls, young women & their male partners
Pillar I Adolescent girls, young women & their male partners

10 Adolescent girls, young women and their male partners: what is needed
Inclusive laws & policies Remove mandatory parental consent/notification for HIV, SRH services; “mature minors” Defined packages of services for all adolescents Diagnosis Prevention Comprehensive care, treatment Adolescent sexual reproductive health service Comprehensive sexuality education Address based violence Adolescent-friendly services Address structural issues Keeping girls in school and providing further education and employment opportunities Improve data – age disaggregation Not all adolescents are the same – tailored approaches needed

11 Young women & male partners (high HIV incidence setting): priority packages
Standard package (all incidence levels) Access to SRH/HIV services (HIV testing, ART, condoms, VMMC (14 countries), FP Access to secondary education inc comprehensive sexuality education, GBV services Health & community systems, social support, advocacy & leadership HIV incidence level (in 100 person years) Community-based prevention (evidence-informed models addressing social & gender norms, risk perception & demand generation) School-based prevention (evidence-informed models addressing social & gender norms, risk perception & demand generation) HIV sensitive cash transfers /social support (to ↑access to education; complementary to existing social transfer schemes) Pre-exposure prophylaxis High ( ) Focused Focused (SD couples, young key populations) Very high ( ) Intensive Extremely high (2.0+) Expanded Access & demand generation

12 South Africa: She Conquers
National campaign to empower AGYW, including HIV prevention. High level political support 53 priority sub-districts identified in 9 provinces Core package of evidence based interventions tailored for specific target groups Strategic partnerships, coordinated activities Technology and innovation: B-wise Live chat - information on SRH, HIV Nearest clinic based on location Package of interventions focus on different contexts (schools, TVETS, colleges, workplaces, communities) and target groups

13 Pillar II Key populations
Men who have sex with men Transgender people People who inject drugs People in prisons or other closed settings Sex workers

14 Key populations: comprehensive package of service
HIV prevention Harm reduction interventions for people who use drugs HIV testing services HIV treatment and care Prevention, management of co-infections & comorbidities Sexual and reproductive health interventions Supportive legislation, policy and funding Addressing stigma and discrimination Health services available, accessible and acceptable Community empowerment Addressing violence Health interventions WHO positions structural interventions within a comprehensive public health approach Structural interventions Source: WHO Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations

15 Zimbabwe: Sex worker led programmes
“We used to be rounded up in the streets even if we were just standing there, but now they can’t do that ..So cops are finding it hard to arrest us. I’m sure it will also make them think and realize that we are also human beings.” Court order protecting sex workers Criminalisation of sex work - direct association with increased HIV risk A recent court order in Zimbabwe protects sex workers Fewer arrests No new reports to human rights lawyers Comprehensive package HIV testing STI FP Condoms ART PrEP GBV Social support A recent court order, however, appears to have resulted in significant change in relations between sex workers and the police. In 2014, nine women from Harare were arrested for solicitation and subsequently convicted. The law stipulates, however, that both the conduct of solicitation must be specified (i.e. evidence of proactive attempt to procure a client rather than based on the person’s location and/or clothing) and the person who was being solicited must be present in court. Based on the absence of these requirements, Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) took the case to the Constitutional Court, successfully arguing that the women’s conviction was in violation of the newly ratified 2013 Constitution’s Sections 49(1)(b) and 56(1), respectively: Right to Personal Liberty … which includes the right …not to be deprived of their liberty arbitrarily or without just cause All persons are equal before the law and have the right to equal opportunities in political, economic, cultural and social spheres Since the court order, the number of FSW arrests reported to ZLHR has dropped to the extent that they have not yet been able to find a new case with which to test the order.

16 Voluntary medical male circumcision
Pillar III Voluntary medical male circumcision

17 VMMC: more than just circumcision
>14.5 million performed in 14 countries in ESA 2008–2016 = 70% of 2016 target Impact estimated: HIV infections averted through 2030 Reached with a package of services: Minimum: safer sex education, STI management and condoms, HIV testing and entry to other services, ‘essential’ surgical intervention with infection prevention and control, links to ART Additional: hygiene education, vaccination against tetanus, sexuality, relationships, gender and masculinities Capacity of health workforce enhanced, inc nurses performing minor surgery Traditional circumcisers and formal health sector working together

18 Zambia: impressive scale-up (1.48 million circumcisions)
Strong coordination by MOH, partners and stakeholders Age and geographic targeting and robust demand generation Operational plans and programme reviews Engaged community and traditional leaders Consistent, and diversified, funding

19 Condoms and lubricants
Pillar IV Condoms and lubricants

20 Comprehensive Condom Programming: components for impact
Leadership & coordination Coordination of partnerships Advocacy Policies and regulations Resource mobilization Supply & commodity security Forecasting and targets setting Procurement Quality assurance Warehousing and storage Distribution LMIS Demand, access and utilization Market research Total market approach Targeted distribution Behaviour change communication Social mobilization Support Social, behavioural, and operations Capacity and institutional strengthening Integration Monitoring and evaluation Documentation and dissemination

21 Pre-exposure prophylaxis
Pillar V Pre-exposure prophylaxis

22 PrEP: Part of combination prevention
What are some key considerations? Not for EVERYONE Uptake and continuation is variable Not for ALWAYS Seasons of HIV risk Adherence is critical for PrEP effectiveness Other services beneficial, valued and necessary Many benefits beyond PrEP itself How do we implement strategically? Start with highest incidence groups KPs (e.g. MSM) SDC Other populations (e.g. AGYW) Safer conception Part of enhanced eMTCT Integration and linkages to existing services Source: WHO PreP implementation tool Took out the word PrEP implementation, really want to mention COMBINATION Unbold Pillar 5: and bolded PrEP I don’t like the word ‘some AE’s in there. No such thing as ePMTCT Added MSM next to KPs, as that’s in many ways the no-brainer KP and should be highlighted.

23 Australia: real-life, public health impact of PrEP
Newly diagnosed HIV cases in New South Wales (including Sydney) Committed and engaged leadership Educated community and built demand for PrEP among MSM PrEP demonstration project at scale 25% reduction in the average number of new cases compared to the previous five years. PrEP starts March 2016 Source:

24 Conclusions

25 Normative guidance, technical briefs, and tools to support countries

26 We have the tools Furthermore, the UN family together with key stakeholders including the various population groups themselves have issued comprehensive implementation guidance in recent years, for HIV prevention on AGYW, key populations, VMMC etc

27 Together we can end HIV as a public health threat by 2030
We know what needs to be done WHO has assessed the evidence developed recommendations translated these into implementation guidance and defined packages WHO focusing on implementation guidance to support scale up and facilitate introduction of innovation, building on experience to date It needs to be done to scale Accelerate to achieve higher coverage We can only achieve this with leadership, partnerships and synergy Together we can end HIV as a public health threat by 2030

28 Acknowledgments WHO HIV Department
Annette Verster, Julia Samuelson, Michelle Rodolph, Shona Dalal, Cheryl Johnson, Carmen Figueroa, Ioannis Mameletzis, Virginia Macdonald WHO Regional and Country Offices Scientific experts WHO Guideline Development Groups Other partners UNAIDS UNFPA UNICEF Global Fund GNP+, ICW, KP networks, APCOM Donors BMGF Unitaid U.S. CDC USAID

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