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Applied Psychology.

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Presentation on theme: "Applied Psychology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applied Psychology

2 Applied psychology Basic Research: how it works
What situations are related to cheating? What are the causes of teen pregnancy? Applied Research: how to use it How can we decrease disease spread? How can we decrease teen pregnancy?

3 Apply psychology to a problem
1) What would you want to know from previous psychology research – what background information would be helpful? 2) Describe how at least 1 psychological principle (vocabulary terms/ theories/ findings) would relate to this problem. 3) How can you solve the problem?

4 Topics in psychology Research Methods & Ethics Brain and behavior
Sensation and Perception Memory Motivation and Emotion Intelligence States of Consciousness Learning / Behavioral Psychology Development Psychological Disorders Gender & Sexuality Social Behavior

5 Industrial/organizational
What is related to employee satisfaction and production? Organizational culture: dress, communication, power, hiring, firing, goals, conflicts, values, special occasions Leadership styles X: focusing on efficiency, quotas, schedules, “goading” work Y: giving autonomy, responsibility, meeting people’s needs, challenging, “self-directed”

6 environmental How do our physical environments effect us?
How can we protect our natural environment? Social dilemma: behavior with immediate rewards but bad long term Group behavior

7 Human factors psychology
How can we apply what is known about human perception, motor skills, etc., to making products and environments useful? Usability testing

8 APPLIED psychology Education Conflict Politics Business/Marketing
Community Health Social Problems Rehabilitation

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