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An Introduction to Learning Styles

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1 An Introduction to Learning Styles

2 Learning Styles The Big Idea: People learn in different ways. So what?
Characterize these differences in terms of the dimensions of the learning process. Use this theoretical framework to guide the planning and delivery of instruction. It all comes down to people learn in different ways. By characterizing the ways people learn, we can use this information to guide our instruction.

3 Learning Styles Perception sensory - intuitive Input Organization
Processing Understanding sensory - intuitive visual - verbal inductive - deductive active - reflective sequential - global

4 Perception sensory - intuitive Sights, sounds, physical sensations
(Practical and methodical) “People are constantly being bombarded with information, both through their senses and from their subconscious minds. The volume of this information is much greater than they can consciously attend to; they therefore select a minute fraction of it to admit to their working memory and the rest of it is effectively lost. In making this selection of what to keep, sensing learners favor information that come in through their senses and intuitive learners favor information that arises internally through memory, reflection and imagination (These categories are derived from Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types.) Sensors tend to be practical, intuitors tend to be imaginative. Sensors like facts and observations; intuitors prefer concepts and interpretations. A student who complains about courses having nothing to do with the real world is almost certainly a sensor. Sensors like to solve problems using well-established procedures, don’t mind detail work, and don’t like unexpected twists or complications; intuitors like variety in their work, don’t mind complexity, and get bored with too much detail and repetition. Sensors are careful, but may be slow; intuitors are quick, but may be careless. Sensors are less comfortable than intuitors with symbols, as sensors must translate them into concrete mental images in order to understand them - an often lengthly process. Sensors tend to get lower grades than intuitors in lecture courses. Ideas, insights, memories (Abstract and imaginative)

5 Input visual - verbal Pictures, diagrams, graphs, demonstrations
Through which modality is sensory information most effectively perceived? Sounds, written and spoken words, formulas

6 Organization inductive - deductive
Facts and observations first, then infer principles (Natural human learning style) Principles given first, then deduce applications (Natural human teaching style) How do we prefer the information to be organized Induction promotes deeper learning and longer retention of information and gives students greater confidence in their problem solving abilities. Deduction is more concise and orderly than induction, and as a consequence Deductive presentations are easier to prepare and control We give information to mimic and apply vs exposing students to conceptual problems, letting them find solutions on their own, and helping them understand their mistakes along the way.

7 Processing active - reflective Learn by thinking things through
Learn by interacting with others How do we prefer to process the information

8 Understanding sequential - global
Learn in a logical progression of small incremental steps (Solve problems without complete understanding) Learn in large disconnected jumps (Solve problems—all or nothing) How does one progress toward understanding

9 So What? Give all students opportunities to learn in their preferred modes some of the time. Vary: Organization Teaching techniques Learning activities So what does this mean for us in the classroom?

10 Conclusions You’ll find students of all learning styles in your classes. We need all types in our professions. We need to address all styles in our classes, not just one!


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