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GCSD Leadership Academy Mission

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1 GCSD Leadership Academy Mission
The Greece Leadership Academy seeks to provide a robust leadership development program customized to meet the needs of the district. This rigorous, experiential school leadership refinement program is designed to engage Greece leaders to be the change agents and transformative school leaders who measurably impact student achievement. One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece

2 Strategic Map Scavenger Hunt
Use your Strategic Plan to find these items: The Tri-State Rubric Marzano Rubric Tell us where you found it. Tell us the connections you will make to your daily work. One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece

3 One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Purpose Day 4 To develop and strengthen effective PLCs Facilitate and create relationships between Assistant Principals, Teacher Leaders and Teachers One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece

4 “A Different Point of View” The Four As
One Vision One Team One Greece

5 One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Directions Read the article & answer the following questions: 1.) What Assumptions does the author of the text hold? 2.) What do you Agree with in the text? 3.) What do you want to Argue with in the text? 4.) What parts of the text do you Aspire to? Debrief the text rendering process. One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece

6 Sharing 1.) Each person will share an Assumption
2.) Each person will share an Agreement 3.) Each person will share an Argument 4.) Each person will share an Aspiration *Cite the text as evidence

7 Every Student One Vision One Team One Greece

8 One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Every student by face and name every three weeks. One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece

9 School Community: SIP Work
One Vision One Team One Greece

10 Select someone other than the principal 45 min. action plan templates
Reflections - Day 4 In school teams, map out the strategies that would be used to support your school mission/ vision as you work to make connections to the strategic plan. Complete reflection on pre-work individual (8x11) Group work: combine individual thinking (11x16) Start SIP Goal Setting template 10 min. individually Who should facilitate? Select someone other than the principal 25 min. school team 45 min. action plan templates 8 min. share ideas One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece

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