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Unit 2 all pictures shamelessly lifted from Google Images

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1 Unit 2 all pictures shamelessly lifted from Google Images

2 adroit (ADJ.) skillful, expert in the use of hands or mind
Phrase: An adroit debater shut down their opponent. * Synonyms – artful, masterful, expert * Antonym – awkward, clumsy

3 amicable (ADJ.) peaceable, friendly
Phrase: The amicable settlement between the fighting siblings was discussed over cake. * Synonyms – civil, polite, cordial * Antonym – rude, disagreeable

4 averse (ADJ.) having a deep-seated distaste; opposed, unwilling
Phrase: He is not averse to having cake for breakfast. * Synonyms – hostile, loath, reluctant * Antonym – kind, friendly, ready Since I am a truly arachnaphobic, to say that I am averse to spiders is an understatement.

5 belligerent (ADJ.) given to fighting; aggressive
Phrase: The man’s belligerent tone made the children cry. * Synonyms – antagonistic, combative, hostile * Antonym -- agreeable

6 benevolent (ADJ.) kindly, charitable
Phrase: Her benevolent smile welcomed the new neighbors. * Synonyms – caring, compassionate, generous * Antonym – hateful

7 cursory (ADJ.) hasty, not thorough
Phrase: A cursory look at the movie times on his phone made Joel look at the wrong time. * Synonyms – random, brief, sketchy * Antonym – careful, detailed

8 (NOUN) deceitfulness; fraud
duplicity (NOUN) deceitfulness; fraud Phrase: The duplicity of the man’s errors caused him to go to jail. * Synonyms – deceit, cunning, fraud * Antonym -- honesty

9 (VERB) to praise extravagantly
extol (VERB) to praise extravagantly Phrase: The historian loved to extol the beauty of the Grand Canyon. * Synonyms – glorify, applaud, commend * Antonym – blame, criticize

10 feasible (ADJ.) able to be done
Phrase: Driving to California in a day is not a feasible plan. * Synonyms – achievable, likely, practicable * Antonym – impossible

11 (NOUN) a wry face, facial distortion; (VERB) to make a wry face
grimace (NOUN) a wry face, facial distortion; (VERB) to make a wry face Phrase: The little girl grimaced at the teacher when she got the wrong answer. * Synonyms – frown, scowl, smirk, sneer * Antonym – grin

12 holocaust (NOUN) a large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter Phrase: The holocaust was a real event and many people died. * Synonyms – carnage, catastrophe

13 impervious (ADJ.) not affected or hurt by; admitting no passage or entrance Phrase: The coat is impervious to rain. * Synonyms – immune, resistant, unmoved * Antonym – moved, exposed

14 impetus (NOUN) a moving force; incentive
Phrase: The new coffee shop gave impetus to the city’s dullness. * Synonyms – incentive, momentum, energy * Antonym – block

15 jeopardy (NOUN) danger Phrase: For a moment, his life was in jeopardy.
* Synonyms – peril, accident, chance * Antonym – plan, safety

16 meticulous (ADJ.) particular about details
Phrase: The meticulous craftsman created a masterpiece. * Synonyms – precise, cautious, exact * Antonym – careless, false

17 nostalgia (NOUN) a longing for something past
Phrase: The man had nostalgia for his college days. * Synonyms – longing remorse, yearning


19 quintessence (NOUN) the purest essence or form of something
Phrase: Some say that reality television is the quintessence of American culture. * Synonyms – epitome, extract, gist * Antonym- extra, outside

20 retrogress (VERB) to move backward; to return to an earlier condition
Phrase: After the boy was diagnosed with a brain tumor, he retrogressed in age in his actions. * Synonyms – degenerate, revert, worsen * Antonym – develop, improve

21 scrutinize (VERB) to examine closely
Phrase: The lawyer scrutinized the case to prove them wrong. * Synonyms – analyze, check, consider * Antonym – forget, ignore (VERB) to examine closely

22 tepid (ADJ.) lukewarm; unenthusiastic
Phrase: The tepid water was room temperature. * Synonyms – dull, halfhearted, mild * Antonym – enthusiastic

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