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PROfessionals Fellowship of International Talents

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1 PROfessionals Fellowship of International Talents
PROFIT PROfessionals Fellowship of International Talents (A Mission Initiative of Gospel Echoing Missionary Society – GEMS) 14/11/2018

2 Reality before our eyes
Point of Urbanisation You are here!!! 14/11/2018

3 Need for Strategical shift in Christian Missions
From 1950’s until recent past major part of mission work was concentrated on rural areas.strategies used were like rural development programs,orphanages,care homes,polio homes,crusades,educational programs and so on. In the time we live in ,here arises the need for gospel to be reached to 70% of the urban population .Hence the strategy needs to be shifted CHRISTIAN MISSONS 14/11/2018

4 Influential Middle Class
Influencing the Influencers Upper Class Influential Middle Class Lower Class 14/11/2018

5 Origin of PROFIT Point of Urbanisation You are here!!! 14/11/2018

6 Your Company is a Misson Field You are a Missionary there!!
PROFIT Helps you to visualize your workplace as a mission field with a greater need for Christ Encourages and Equips you to be a your work place 14/11/2018

7 Areas of Life 14/11/2018

8 Daniel-An Influencer Social Life
Daniel’s decision to keep himself undefiled in the Babylonian nation influenced His friends to do the same. “ But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way” “Daniel then said to the guard whom the chief official had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah,“Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink” Daniel-1:8,12 14/11/2018

9 Daniel-An Influencer contd…
Spiritual Life Daniel had a uncompromising passion to stand for the Lord “ But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way” Daniel-1:8 Daniel was a prayer warrior. “Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God” Daniel -6:10 14/11/2018

10 Daniel-An Influencer contd…
He read the word of God and meditated on it.  ”In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet.” Daniel -9:2 Daniel is a Prophet to the Nations 14/11/2018

11 Daniel-An Influencer contd…
Secular Life Daniel’s life at His workplace influenced the life of many who were with Him. Chief Official(Daniel 1:8-10) Guard under the Chief Official(Daniel 1:11, 12) King Nebuchadnezzar(Daniel 1:20, Daniel 2:16 ) Arioch, the commander of the King’s Guard (Daniel 2:14 ) The queen or queen’s mother(Daniel 5:10,11 ) King Belshezzar(Daniel 5:29) King Darius(Daniel 6:14,18-20,23) Administrators and Satraps(Daniel 6:20, Daniel 2:14,16 ) 14/11/2018

12 Daniel-An Influencer contd…
Then King Darius wrote to all the nations and peoples of every language in all the earth: “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. “For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.” –Daniel 6:25-27 14/11/2018

13 Intentional & Active Evangelism
GEMS PROFIT Intentional & Active Evangelism PROFIT influences working professionals, motivating them towards Tentmaking, which is facilitating them to be personally and strategically involved in Workplace evangelism, Country or culture specific infiltration Mission networking. by equipping them in their professional, social and spiritual portions of work life. We have a tendency to live a very passive testimonial life. The variable of such a life is Punctuality, correctness, faithfully working, good conduct etc which somehow we assume that the unbeliever will understand it is the work of Christ and not yours. However, these outwardly appearing actions are shown by at least a few ‘good’ unbelievers. In Such cases you fail to make a difference and show that you are a Christian. The Bible clearly mentions the action of “voicing out” the Gospel, which may be missed out if only passive witnessing is involved. Yes, when it is a closed country this is treated as a special case. PROFIT is a network of Christians who intentionally and actively use their professional identity to share the Gospel in the workplace.. 14/11/2018

14 PROFIT CHAPTERS PROFIT CHAPTERS are gatherings of Christian professionals that offer the space for learning, sharing and growing to spread the Gospel of Jesus in their workplace. PROFIT CHAPTERS strive to create, nurture and deploy an active and credible network of Christians who would desire to do the following in their workplace: Identify with Christ through life and work Proclaim the Gospel with discretion Appeal for a decision towards the Gospel with sensitivity Nurture new believers and equip them towards similar deeds Vocation-specific PROFIT Chapters are suggested to tackle vocation-specific issues, challenges and barriers to workplace evangelism. PROFIT facilitates other willing Christian professionals to be part of an existing PROFIT Chapter or initiate new PROFIT Chapters. 14/11/2018

15 Existing PROFIT Chapters
In INDIA Bangalore Mumbai Chennai Pondicherry Coimbatore Delhi(27th Sep 2014 launch) Across the World Abu Dhabi Sharjah/Dubai Singapore London(UK) USA 14/11/2018

16 PROFIT Resources Literature Seminars & Workshops
Workbooks Case Studies Scripture Modules Models of Workplace Evangelism Other Reference Materials Direct & Virtual Networking For professional interaction between the peers For social interaction between Christian professionals of the same neighborhood For Ministerial interaction with forums of Christian professionals involved in workplace evangelism Exposure & Training For Cross-cultural adaptability Through Church or Mission based field visits for active evangelism Seminars & Workshops Equipping and Facilitating towards geographic work relocation Enhancing professional skills to leverage the professional identity for workplace evangelism Facilitating peer-specific interactions to establish new contacts We have a tendency to live a very passive testimonial life. The variable of such a life is Punctuality, correctness, faithfully working, good conduct etc which somehow we assume that the unbeliever will understand it is the work of Christ and not yours. However, these outwardly appearing actions are shown by at least a few ‘good’ unbelievers. In Such cases you fail to make a difference and show that you are a Christian. The Bible clearly mentions the action of “voicing out” the Gospel, which may be missed out if only passive witnessing is involved. Yes, when it is a closed country this is treated as a special case. 14/11/2018

17 Join or Start a PROFIT Chapter!
Involve with us… Become a PROFIT member by joining your nearest PROFIT Chapter. Start a PROFIT Chapter in any convenient place. Join or Start a PROFIT Chapter! 14/11/2018

18 Involve with us… Meet at least once a month for discussions, prayer, reviews, planning and implementation. Motivate, Mobilize and Monitor the PROFIT Chapter activities for effective functioning. Stay connected with other PROFITeers through SMS, and portal. Visit once in a year to any mission field for active evangelism exposure 14/11/2018

19 Don’t delay Your time has come
“Say not, There are yet four months, and then comes harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John-4:35 Don’t delay 14/11/2018

20 GEMS PROFIT Dehri On Sone, Bihar Ph:7739598380,9489720452
Web: 14/11/2018

21 Questions ?? 14/11/2018

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