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Linking by Translation: the key to comparable codesets

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1 Linking by Translation: the key to comparable codesets
Ben Hickman Local Government Analysis & Research 19th March 2007

2 Setting the scene Require workforce data for all local government
Approx 2.2 million employees Varied workforce Multiple sources of data No definitive source of data

3 Local Government Data Flows Project
Systematic evaluation of current methods Development of data framework and quality assurance measures Occupational Classification for Local Government Multi-sourced database New collections targeted to cover specific gaps

4 Issues with multiple-sources
Data sharing protocols Lack of consistent definitions Different census dates Reliability of methodologies Lack of a comparable occupational classification


6 Linkage by Translation
Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Key-Codes Dataset 3

7 Linkage by Translation
Key-codes links each dataset Able to aggregate to lowest common denominator Enables comparisons across multiple datasets without continual remapping

8 Multi variable mapping
Use matrices to map all possible combinations of classification variables i.e. Role x Post x Service Use common classifier (e.g. SOC2000) Map all possible variables against the common classifier Creates key-code for every possible classification value in the dataset

9 Multi-sourced key-codes
Map each dataset to the common classifier (SOC2000) Use the common classifier as a basis for creating a single, unified list Within each unit group identify overlaps and recode into a single variable where necessary – maintaining all available mapping data against the code

10 Schools workforce Approx. 800,000 workforce
Workforce collections undertaken by: Department for Education and Skills Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting Local Government Analysis and Research Office of Manpower Economics Office of National Statistics Institute of Education

11 Department for Education & Skills
Schools Workforce Census Detailed information relating to all school staff Broken down by: Type of School – 4 variables 9 role variables 66 post variables Total of 304 possible variables

12 Local Government Analysis & Research
Numbers and pay research Covers all local government staff Approx. 100 classifications Less detailed classifications Not education specific

13 Office of National Statistics
Labour Force Survey Provides details for whole economy Occupational classification = SOC2000 Also not education specific enables national and international comparisons

14 Schools Workforce Census
DfES Classification LGAR Pay Research All LG classification Labour Force Survey SOC2000

15 Educational Assistants
DfES has 8 post x role identifiers But with types of schools could be as many as 32 different variables (i.e. 8 posts by the 4 school types) 3 LGAR Pay Research categories 1 SOC2000 Code

16 So, for Schools Workforce key-codes...
Post x Role = Var1 Advanced Skills Teacher Excellent Teacher Support Staff Caretaker X Classroom Teacher Cleaner

17 Nursery and Primary Schools
Var1 x School = Var2 Nursery and Primary Schools Secondary Schools Special Schools Classroom Teacher (Advanced Skills) X Classroom Teacher (Excellent Teacher) Cleaner

18 Var2 x SOC2000 = Schools Key-codes
2314 2315 2316 Classroom Teacher (Advanced Skills) (Nursery and Primary Schools) X Classroom Teacher (Excellent Teacher) (Nursery and Primary Schools) Classroom Teacher (Excellent Teacher) (Secondary Schools)

19 LGAR Pay Research Higher level Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant
(primary and nursery schools) teaching assistant (primary and nursery schools) literacy workers minority ethnic support learning support assistant (for SEN pupils) learning mentor language support bilingual support assistant higher level teaching assistant (secondary schools) teaching assistant (secondary schools) higher level teaching assistant (special schools) teaching assistant (special schools) higher level teaching assistant n.e.c. teaching assistant n.e.c. Higher level Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Educational assistant n.e.c. 6124 Educational assistant

20 Child services mapping
Without translation DfES Classification Pay classification SOC2000 NMDS-SC Child services mapping Soulbury Committee

21 Simplify through translation...
DfES Classification Pay classification SOC2000 NMDS-SC Child services mapping Key-codes Soulbury Committee

22 Benefits Easy to add in additional datasets
Addition or amendment of one dataset does not affect any others Enables datasets to be analysed to varying degrees of detail Ensures all possible classification scenarios are accounted for Vehicle for maintaining coding information

23 Disadvantages Mapping key-codes takes time and knowledge of each dataset If one detailed dataset changes it can require major amendments to key-codes

24 Thanks for listening Any questions?

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