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Other Risky Behaviors.

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Presentation on theme: "Other Risky Behaviors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Other Risky Behaviors

2 The Choking Game What is the choking game?
Since 1995, responsible for at least 82 deaths Boys more likely to die 11-16 y/o most likely to try Why is it important to know about it?


4 Oregon 2008 survey asked 8th graders:
36% had heard of the choking game 30% had heard of someone participating 6% had participated themselves More likely to participate: Those who also reported mental health risk factors, substance use or both

5 Inhalants


7 Sexual Activity Guttmacher Institute

8 Pregnancy & STIs “More than 750,000 women younger than 20 become pregnant each year.” “82% of these pregnancies are unintended” “Nine million teens and young adults acquire an STI each year.” Guttmacher Institute

9 Kaiser Family Foundation

10 HIV

11 Teen sexual activity is similar across developed countries…
Guttmacher Institute

12 U.S. teens & pregnancy & STIs
Less likely to use contraceptives Have shorter relationships Have more sexual partners Why the difference? Guttmacher Institute

13 The proportion of teens receiving any formal instruction about birth control declined….
Guttmacher Institute

14 Students say they need more sex education in school than they currently receive
Guttmacher Institute

15 Americans overwhelmingly favor broader sex education
93% of parents reported their child has benefited from sex education 94% of parents say that sex education should cover contraception Only 15% of Americans want abstinence-only education taught in the classroom Guttmacher Institute

16 Abstinence education Defined by the federal government:
“abstinence education… has as its exclusive purpose, teaching the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity.” Guttmacher Institute

17 Abstinence Only Effectiveness
“No evidence shows that abstinence without contraceptive education effectively protects teens.” “Contraceptive education does not encourage sexual activity.” Guttmacher Institute

18 Sex Education Delays sexual activity Increases contraceptive use
Reduces number of partners Guttmacher Institute

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