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TOPIC: Excretion AIM: How does the body remove cellular wastes

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Presentation on theme: "TOPIC: Excretion AIM: How does the body remove cellular wastes"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOPIC: Excretory System AIM: What are the parts & functions of the Excretory System?

2 TOPIC: Excretion AIM: How does the body remove cellular wastes
TOPIC: Excretion AIM: How does the body remove cellular wastes? DO NOW: 1. Besides gas exchange, what other job do the lungs carry out?

3 What happens to the trash in your house?
Where does it go? Now imagine what would happen if nothing happened to it. How would that affect the people and things in your house?

4 Removes cellular (metabolic) wastes from the body
EXCRETION Removes cellular (metabolic) wastes from the body FUNCTION

5 CO2, H20, salt, nitrogen wastes (urea)


7 1. Lungs Excrete CO2 & H2O vapor CO2 & H20 vapor

8 Excrete urea, salt, & water in sweat
(perspiration) 2. Skin

9 Removes excess heat (controls body temp) when sweat evaporates

10 TOPIC: Excretion AIM: How does the body remove cellular wastes
TOPIC: Excretion AIM: How does the body remove cellular wastes? DO NOW: 1. What is excretion? 2. How is excretion different from egestion?

11 What is eczema? A skin condition also known as dermatitis. Red, itchy, and flaky patches of skin. Sometimes, these patches ooze liquid. About 15 million Americans, many of whom are children, have eczema.

12 Causes Irritants (perfume, soaps, clothing) Stress Allergies Dry skin Heat and sweat

13 Treatments Keep skin hydrated (Moisturizers, lotions, creams) Do not use antibacterial soaps. Wear loose clothing Don’t scratch! Don’t use hot water! Stay cool! Medications

14 2 layers of the skin: 1. Epidermis – thin outer layer

15 2. Dermis – thicker layer Contains:

16 Sweat & oil glands Hair follicles & pores

17 Blood vessels, muscle, nerves, fat

18 3. Liver a. Makes UREA (nitrogen waste) Sent to kidneys

19 b. Detoxification = toxic less toxic (alcohol, drugs…)

20 Kidneys 1. Filter wastes from blood

21 2. Maintains water balance in body
3. Produces urine (water, salt, urea…)

22 Nephrons Basic unit of kidney Filter blood  urine

23 REVIEW 1. Explain why the lungs are part of the excretory system. 2
REVIEW 1. Explain why the lungs are part of the excretory system. 2. Where is urea produced? 3. Where does it go once it is made? 4. What is detoxification? Where does it occur? 5. What would happen if your kidneys stopped functioning?


25 VIDEO REVIEW What is the function of the excretory system?
Why isn’t your digestive system involved in excretion? Why is the skin part of the excretory system? What materials do the lungs excrete? What part of the body filters your blood? How many times a day do these organs filter the blood? What type of blood vessel carries blood to the kidneys? Where are nephrons located? How is urea produced? Explain the difference between a ureter and the urethra.

26 TOPIC: Excretion AIM: How does the body remove cellular wastes
TOPIC: Excretion AIM: How does the body remove cellular wastes? DO NOW: 1. Where is urea produced? 2. What do the kidneys do?

27 SKIN FACTS Largest organ Area of skin 21 square feet Weight About 9lbs
How many blood vessels are found in the skin? More than 11 miles of blood vessels. How much sweat does the skin release? The skin releases as much as three gallons of sweat a day in hot weather.

28 Dead skin facts: Your skin loses about 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells from the surface almost every minute, even though you do not see it happening. Your skin sheds a layer of dead cells every 24 hours. Humans shed and regrow outer skin cells about every 27 days - almost 1,000 new skins in a lifetime. By 70 years of age, an average person will have lost 105 pounds of skin. Dead skin accounts for about a billion tons of dust in the atmosphere.

The left kidney is always higher than the right one. The Kidneys filter almost 190 liters of blood every day. There are between 1,000,000 to 1,300,000 million nephrons in our kidneys. Of these 190 liters, only about 1.9 liters (2 quarts) are excreted as urine. You excrete about 1 to 1.5 liters of urine each day. The average person passes 9,202 gallons of urine in his/her lifetime. That’s enough to fill 315 bathtubs. Your urine is odorless until after it comes out of your body. What you smell then is ammonia, the same stuff you clean with.

30 Urinary System

31 1. Kidneys a. blood is filtered b. urine produced

32 Transport urine from kidneys to bladder
2. Ureters

33 3. Urinary Bladder Muscular organ that stores urine

34 4. Urethra Tube that leads urine out of the body Maindex


36 hair epidermis nerves Oil gland dermis muscle fat Hair follicle Sweat gland Blood vessel

37 skin lung liver kidney

38 kidney ureter Urinary bladder urethra

39 REVIEW How do kidneys filter the blood? How does urine get to the bladder? What is the function of the urinary bladder?

40 TOPIC: Breathing & Excretion AIM: How does the body remove cellular wastes? DO NOW: 1. Identify each excretory organ below and explain the functions of each.

41 2. Label the bell jar below. 3
2. Label the bell jar below. 3. Label which bell jar represents inhalation & exhalation. 4. Explain what happens in the body when you inhale and exhale. A. _____________ B. ______________ 1. 2. 3. 4. _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________

42 A D B C E G F H I 5. Label the diagram below: Nasal cavity pharynx
nose C mouth E trachea G bronchi F lung H bronchiole I diaphragm

43 6. Where does exchange occur in the body?
7. What is excretion? 8. List the organs of the respiratory system in the order that air passes through them starting with the nose. 9. What do the kidneys do for the body? 10. What is the difference between the ureters and urethra?

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