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Exploring and Implementing the MTSS Framework

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring and Implementing the MTSS Framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring and Implementing the MTSS Framework

2 Outcomes Consider the need for the MTSS framework as a way to support all students Learn from one local school district’s journey through the implementation of MTSS

3 The Need With you neighbor, identify core curriculum across each academic subject. Now, with that same neighbor, identify school-wide rules and strategies for teaching social behavior

4 The Challenge Students with the most challenging academic and social problems need pro-active comprehensive and consistent systems of support School-wide discipline systems are typically unclear and inconsistently implemented – absence of a “social behavior curriculum” 4

5 The Challenge Common school response to problem behavior = “punishment” of misbehavior and assumptions about appropriate behavior and/or seek out alternative placements Common school response to academic challenges = send to specialists to “be fixed” 5


7 MTSS Defined a coherent continuum of evidence based, system-wide practices; support a rapid response to student needs; frequent data-based monitoring to inform decision-making; empower each student to achieve their potential.

8 MTSS as a Framework Without a framework With a framework

9 Main Messages Multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) Prevention first
One setting: Multiple levels of support intensity Early intervention Align academic, behavioral and social support Collect and use data Fidelity data Impact data Educational Equity Programmatic and Procedural Technology

10 Continuum of Support for ALL
Universal Targeted Intensive Few Some Rebecca All

11 Social Emotional Academic Continuum Continuum Integrated Continuum

12 Avoid creating a new disability labeling system.
Remember that the multiple tiers of support refer to our SUPPORT not Students. Avoid creating a new disability labeling system. Math Behavior Health Reading





17 Morgan Hill Unified & MtSS

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