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Solicitation Step by Step Process

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1 Solicitation Step by Step Process
June 13, 2018 Fiscal Year 2018

2 Presenter Robert L. Hall, C.P.M., CTPM, CCA, CTCM Purchasing Manager
Procurement and Materials Management (PMM) Presenter Robert L. Hall, C.P.M., CTPM, CCA, CTCM Purchasing Manager

3 Presentation Outline Statutory Authority Procurement Methods
Phase I: Pre-Planning Phase II: Requisition Submission Phase III: Solicitation Development and Release Phase IV: Pre-Proposal Conference Phase V: Review of Solicitation Responses and Evaluation Process Phase VI: Award Recommendation(s) Phase VII: Implementation Timeline for Final Award(s) Phase VIII: Solicitation Close-out

4 Statutory Authority Texas Education Code Section (b) for Purchasing Contracts Texas Government Code Section for Goods and Services Texas Government Code Section for Consulting Services Texas Government Code Section for Professional Services Texas Government Code Chapter 2269 for Construction Services ACC Administrative Rules, G-2 Purchasing (Recent Change)

5 Competitive Procurement Methods
Type Description Amount of Acquisition Policy and Procedure RFQ Request for Quote Estimated amount: Under $50,000 Informal request with involvement of Department and Buyer. Dept. obtains quotes under $30,000. Buyer obtains quotes/responses for purchases above $30,000. IFB Invitation for Bid $30,000 and above Formal Competitive advertised bidding. No negotiations. Primarily based on price. Request for Qualifications Competitive, advertised and evaluated bidding. Cost not an evaluation factor. RFP Request for Proposal Any amount Competitive, advertised, and evaluated bidding. CSP Competitive Sealed Proposal/Bid Competitive, advertised, evaluated proposals/bids and negotiations.

6 Phase I Pre-Planning

7 Phase I - Pre-Planning As coordinated by the Austin Community College (ACC) Departments, the Department plans and provides the scope of work (SOW) and names of stakeholders (for the initial kickoff meeting) in conjunction with Requisition.

8 Requisition Submission
Phase II Requisition Submission

9 Phase II - Requisition Submission
Step 1: Buyer notifies Department's Initiator/Budget Authority of receipt of Requisition and assignment of Requisition to Buyer. Buyer requests names of stakeholders for Procurement Kickoff Meeting within two (2) business days. Note: If Buyer receives a Requisition from the Department requesting “consultative services” Buyer should schedule a meeting with the Department point of contact (including the Purchasing Manager, as needed) to discuss the proposed goods or services. Buyer assigns solicitation number and identifies contract number for proposed number of contracts.

10 Phase II - Requisition Submission
Step 2: Buyer plans, schedules, and conducts Procurement Kickoff Meeting with Procurement Workgroup (PMM, Department, Contracts, SLBE, IT Department, EHS [Insurance], etc.). Note: Procurement Kickoff Meeting must be conducted within two (2) weeks or less, if feasible. Buyer initiates draft of the proposed solicitation document using the ACC Solicitation Template and Scope of Work (SOW) submitted by the department with the requisition.

11 Solicitation Development and Release
Phase III Solicitation Development and Release

12 Phase III - Solicitation Development and Release
Step 3: Development of Solicitation (Procurement) Documents: Department staff, including District Stakeholder(s), leads the development and completion of the draft scope of work and contractual sections using the ACC Solicitation Template. ACC Contract Manager/Contract Administration reviews the entire draft and develops additional components of the solicitation document in the ACC Solicitation Template.  Buyer develops and completes draft of the additional components of the solicitation document in the ACC Solicitation Template.

13 Phase III - Solicitation Development and Release
Step 4: Small Business Development Program (SBDP) Coordinator makes the Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) Determination, as follows: Buyer works with SBDP Coordinator to determine if SLBE and subcontracting opportunities are probable. SBDP Coordinator submits and reviews the SLBE Participation Requirements, for the appropriate section and exhibits as related to the solicitation document to Buyer for review and incorporation into to draft solicitation.

14 Phase III - Solicitation Development and Release
Step 5: Buyer reserves space for Solicitation (Pre-Proposal or Pre- Bidder) Conference, if applicable. Note: Justification will be required from the Department Chairperson (as identified by the Department) to justify the requirement to NOT host a Pre-Proposal (or Pre-Bidder) Conference.

15 Phase III - Solicitation Development and Release
Step 6: Buyer, in coordination with Department’s Project Manager, develops the Evaluation Tool (evaluators' individual scoring sheets, summary scores sheet, etc.). Buyer ensures review with the Purchasing Manager for concurrence to proceed. Step 7: Department Chairperson staff, in coordination with Buyer, selects and arranges the evaluators needed to conduct the evaluation of proposals (or offers) received.

16 Phase III - Solicitation Development and Release
Step 8: Buyer completes draft solicitation document, edits format, grammar, etc., and submits complete draft solicitation document to ACC department for semi-final review (if the solicitation is not related to ACC construction projects). Note: Only for competitive sealed proposals [CSPs]) Buyer send draft solicitation document to ACC legal for review, as needed, edits and comments, and returns to Buyer by requested date. If needed, Buyer send solicitation document to ACC Department and Project Manager, to review and accept appropriate revisions resulting from ACC legal review.

17 Phase III - Solicitation Development and Release
Step 9: ACC Department sends draft solicitation document to Buyer for review with tracked changes and comments; and to provide feedback, edits, etc. and returns draft to Buyer to incorporate revisions. Step 10: Buyer completes draft solicitation document, edits format, grammar, etc., and submits complete draft solicitation document to ACC Purchasing Manager for final review. Note: At least two (2) to three (3) business days for the review is required.

18 Phase III - Solicitation Development and Release
Step 11: Purchasing Manager reviews and makes final edits as needed and communicates changes to Buyer, and gives approval to proceed with solicitation for the Procurement and Materials Management (PMM) Director’s final review. Step 12: Buyer coordinates newspaper advertisement for posting in appropriate media sources, including minority newspapers at least three (3) business days prior to the solicitation’s release. Step 13: Buyer, through Purchasing Manager, submits final solicitation document to PMM Director for final approval to post, and obtains necessary concurrence to post to ACC’s website.

19 Phase III - Solicitation Development and Release
Step 14: Buyer proceeds with posting and releasing solicitation notification to all interested vendors by commodity codes, including the centralized master bidders’ list (CMBL), certified small local business enterprises (SLBEs), historically underutilized businesses (HUBs), ACC registered vendors and any supplemental vendor listings. Note: Buyer must maintain vendor listing for procurement file.

20 Phase III - Solicitation Development and Release
Step 15: Buyer posts SOLICITATION ON ACC’s Website. Note: After posting the solicitation, Buyer creates notification on PMM Purchasing Staff’s calendar and send invite to all Buyers, to communicate the due date of the solicitation proposals (or bids). Note: Notification should be sent to Vice-President (VP) of Business Services at least 30 days in advance of the next ACC Board of Trustees' (BOT) Meeting to ensure an agenda item is submitted and documented for discussion of the proposed award recommendation for the solicitation. Note: BOT Submissions and Recommendations are required when the estimated value of the resulting contract is $100,000 or more.

21 Phase IV Pre-Proposal Conference

22 Phase IV - Pre-Proposal Conference
Step 16: When applicable, Buyer in conjunction with Department, Project Manager, and SLBE staff, plans and conducts Pre-Proposal (or Pre-Bidder) Conference within ten (10) days after solicitation's release date. Step 17: Buyer coordinates written questions prior to the Pre-Proposal (or Pre-Bidder) Conference, when applicable, and ensures receipt of written questions from prospective respondents and others in accordance with solicitation time frame and deadline. Step 18: Buyer, in conjunction with Department, Contract Manager, and SLBE staff, as necessary, develops and finalizes the Questions and Answers (Q&A) for posting on ACC's Website.

23 Phase IV - Pre-Proposal Conference
Step 19: Buyer posts Q&A, pre-proposal (or pre-bidder) conference materials, changes to solicitation, if necessary, and related for document on the ACC website via an addendum. Step 20: Solicitation responses are received on the due date and secured by Purchasing Staff.

24 Review of Solicitation Responses and
Phase V Review of Solicitation Responses and Evaluation Process

25 Phase V - Review of Solicitation Responses and Evaluation Process
Step 21: Solicitation responses are screened/reviewed for completeness, qualifications, responsiveness and responsible by Buyer(s) according to solicitation timeline. Step 22: Small Business Program Coordinator (SBPC) reviews solicitation for compliance with SBPD Program and SLBE requirements.

26 Phase V - Review of Solicitation Responses and Evaluation Process
Step 23: Buyer plans and conducts evaluation kickoff training, for the purpose of signing disclosure documents/forms, providing an orientation to the evaluators on the process, discussing the evaluation spreadsheets, rating scale, requests for clarifications, and timeline for the evaluation of proposals. Note: All Evaluation Committee Members must receive evaluation training before they can start the evaluation process. Step 24: Buyer send evaluation spreadsheets to the Evaluation Team Members after the required training is completed to begin the evaluation.

27 Phase V - Review of Solicitation Responses and Evaluation Process
Step 25: Proposals are reviewed and evaluated by the Evaluation Team Members. Note: When applicable and during the evaluation process, Buyer prepares clarification questions document and submits it to the Department Chairperson for review and approval. Buyer transmits questions to appropriate Respondent(s) for their response by the requested due date within 24 hours or less. Upon receipt, Buyer shares all responses with all evaluators. Note: FOR INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFBs): Buyer(s) will evaluate bids to determine best value selection(s).

28 Phase V - Review of Solicitation Responses and Evaluation Process
Step 26: Evaluators independently complete their individual evaluation/scoring and submit the scoring sheets to Buyer, via . Note: Buyer Review: When necessary, Buyer may contact individual evaluator to discuss any “outliers/variance scores” in their scores. If necessary and if there is a change in the outlier/variance of scores, Buyer will allow evaluator to revise their scores sheet(s), with appropriate strengths and weaknesses and comments (if applicable), and then resubmit the score sheet(s) back to Buyers. Once the evaluator’s score sheet is submitted to Buyer, the evaluator(s) will not be allowed to submit any additional changes to their evaluation score sheet(s), which will be their final score(s).

29 Phase V - Review of Solicitation Responses and Evaluation Process
Step 27: Evaluators send respondent proposals back, via when applicable, to Buyer (hard copies or flash-drives). Step 28: Buyer schedules and facilitates Evaluation team(s) “wrap up” meeting(s) to discuss and finalize evaluation process. Step 29: Buyer prepares final score summary sheets for each respondent’s (of bidder’s) overall final scores.

30 Phase V - Review of Solicitation Responses and Evaluation Process
Step 30: Buyer prepares Competitive Range for solicitation, in coordination with Department Chair, and submits to ACC/PMM Management (i.e., Purchasing Manager and PMM Director) for review and approvals. Note: When applicable for Business Services Solicitation, PMM Management submit competitive range to appropriate ACC Executive Management or Delegated Signatory for approval.

31 Award Recommendation(s)
Phase VI Award Recommendation(s)

32 Phase VI - Award Recommendation(s)
Step 31: Buyer submits procurement/solicitation file with related documents to Contract Administration for: Review to ensure contract requirements are met before the BOT Meeting. Ensure there are no impediments (e.g., Exception to contract provisions) that would impede ACC’s ability to proceed with final award of the contract.

33 Phase VI - Award Recommendation(s)
Step 32: Buyer, in coordination with PMM/Purchasing Manager, prepares ACC BOT‘s Recommendation(s) to the Purchasing Manager, PMM Director and Vice President (VP) of Business Services for review and acceptance for submission through Executive Vice- President. Note: BOT Recommendations are only necessary for solicitations, which the resulting contract value is estimated to be $100,000 or more.

34 Phase VI - Award Recommendation(s)
Step 33: VP of Business Services confirms the proposed award recommendation(s) on the next BOT agenda. Note: Buyer, PMM/Purchasing Manager, PMM Director and Solicitation Chairperson provide additional information and clarification to VP of Business or the EVP of Finance and Administration regarding the proposed agenda item.

35 Phase VI - Award Recommendation(s)
Step 34: After the BOT meeting is conducted, the VP of Business Services and/or PMM Director will send official notification of BOT approvals to the PMM/Purchasing Manager and assigned Buyer. Step 35: Buyer sends notice(s) of selection to proposed/selected contractor(s), PMM Contract Administrators and Department after receiving notification of approval by BOT.

36 Phase VI - Award Recommendation(s)
Step 36: As deemed necessary for construction related solicitations or procurement methods, the identified Procurement Negotiation Team will proceed with final contract negotiation with potential awardee(s), which will be facilitated by the assigned Buyer. Note: If negotiations are successful, ACC/PMM will proceed with final execution and award of the resulting contract(s).

37 Phase VII Implementation Timeline for Final Award(s)

38 Phase VII - Implementation Timeline for Final Award(s)
Step 37: Buyer coordinates with PMM’s contract Administration to initiate resulting contract for solicitation. Step 38: Buyer develops implementation timeline to coordinate and finalize contract execution and award. Step 39: ACC Contract Administration sends draft contract to proposed contractors for review and signature.

39 Phase VII - Implementation Timeline for Final Award(s)
Step 40: Contract Administration receives signed contract from potential contractor(s). Step 41: Contract Administration, in coordination with Department manager, send draft contract to appropriate ACC signature authority (i.e., Delegated Signature Authority) for review and execution. Step 42: After execution, Contract Administration provides copy of executed contract to all “internal ACC parties” (i.e., Department staff, etc.) and the Buyer for the procurement file.

40 Phase VII - Implementation Timeline for Final Award(s)
Step 43: Buyer issues Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) or Purchase Order (PO) and sends BPO (or PO), and sends final contract and related documents to contractor(s). Step 44: Buyer posts Final Awards on ACC website only. Step 45: Buyer sends notice(s) of non-selection to respondent(s) that are not selected/awarded a contract, and posts on ACC’s website only.

41 Phase VII - Implementation Timeline for Final Award(s)
Step 46: Host Pre-Post Award Meeting - ACC Project Manager/Contract Administration will coordinate and host pre-post award meeting with ACC stakeholder(s) and Buyer prior to meeting with the awarded contractor. Note: Purpose of the meeting to prepare for the post award meeting with the contractor, identified deliverables for the goods or services, and roles and responsibilities associated with the resulting contracts. Step 47: ACC Project Manager/Contract Administration will coordinate and host actual post award meeting with ACC stakeholder, Buyer and awarded contractor(s).

42 Phase VIII Solicitation Close-out

43 Phase VIII – Solicitation Close-out
Step 48: Buyer finalizes procurement/contract file with related documents and submits procurement file to ACC Purchasing Manager through Purchasing Assistant, within 14 business days after contract award.

44 ACC Solicitation Step by Step Process

45 ACC Solicitation Step by Step Process
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