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Anytime something is changed in

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2 Anytime something is changed in
the U.S. Constitution, it is called an amendment. An amendment can be an addition to or a change of.

3 27 The U.S. Constitution has been in effect since 1789. How many times
do you think it has been amended?

4 Let’s review a few of the amendments.

5 12th Amendment Before the 12th Amendment was passed, the person who
The 12th Amendment made sure that the people’s choice for president was actually elected. Before the 12th Amendment was passed, the person who got the most votes became the president, and the runner-up was the vice president. The 12th Amendment changed this. There were two separate votes – one for the president and one for the vice president.

6 17th Amendment Before the 17th Amendment was passed, senators were
The 17th Amendment made senators accountable to the people who elected them. Senator Saxby Chambliss Senator Johnny Isakson Before the 17th Amendment was passed, senators were elected by state legislatures. Citizens did not vote for them. The 17th Amendment changed this. The citizens voted for the senators of their states.

7 There were 5 amendments that protected voting rights
for various groups. The 15th Amendment gave __________ _________ the right to vote. 15th Amendment African Americans 19th Amendment The 19th Amendment gave __________ the right to vote. women The 23rd Amendment gave __________ ________________ the right to vote. 23rd Amendment the residents of Washington D.C. The 24th Amendment forbid the collection of ________ __________ before a person could vote. Before the 24th Amendment, there was a poll tax. 24th Amendment poll taxes

8 Let’s review the voting amendments!
The 26thh Amendment lowered the voting age to __________. 26th Amendment eighteen Let’s review the voting amendments! 26th Amendment 23rd Amendment 24th Amendment 19th Amendment 15th Amendment

9 13th Amendment

10 Amendment 14 – All citizens born
in the United States are granted citizenship.

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