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Reconstruction in Action

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1 Reconstruction in Action

2 Impeachment of Johnson
Radical Republicans clashed with Johnson on Reconstruction Disagreed on how to bring southern states back Only way to get rid of President is impeachment Radicals passed a law that they knew Johnson had to break Then they impeached him, but failed to kick him out This divided the country when it needed to heal (effectively ended Johnson’s Presidency)

3 Freedmen’s Bureau Organization to help African Americans adjust to life after slavery Provided food and clothing for those in need Help former slaves get jobs and education Goal: set freed slaves up for new life

4 Reconstruction Amendments
Constitutional amendments focused on slavery and the life of slaves 13th Amendment: Banned slavery in the United States

5 Reconstruction Amendments
14th Amendment: Granted citizenship to all African Americans, made them officially equal

6 Reconstruction Amendments
15th Amendment: Promised the right to vote for African Americans

7 Discussion What actions did the government take to help former slaves?
How did the Freedmen’s bureau differ from the three Reconstruction amendments? Predict how these actions will impact the South during Reconstruction.

8 Northerners move South
Following the war, many Northerners moved South Carpetbaggers Northerners who took advantage of southern whites and blacks to make money Reconstruction of the South = lots of government money going to the South Some Northern businessmen decided to head South to take advantage of the excess money

9 Repairing the South Physical damage to the South hurt the economy
South lost over a quarter of their military aged men These are empty jobs that now need to be filled Damage was valued at $3.3 Billion Southerners had generally transferred all their money to Confederate currency Now worthless

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