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Human Anatomy and Physiology

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1 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Digestion and absorption of nutrients

2 Digestion of carbohydrates
Hydrolysis Tri- and disaccharides monosaccharides Monosaccharides Disaccharide

3 Digestion of carbohydrates
Sources Sucrose (sugar), lactose (milk), starches (non-animal products) Fiber not digested by humans Areas of breakdown Mouth (salivary amylase) Duodenum (pancreatic amylase) Intestine (enterocytes - lactase, sucrase, maltase, a-dextranase)

4 Digestion of carbohydrates

5 Digestion of proteins Proteins peptides amino acids
Stomach Small intestine Small intestine

6 Digestion of proteins Sources Areas of breakdown
Dietary (plants and animals) Endogenous (enzymes, hormones, dead cells) Areas of breakdown Stomach (pepsin) Duodenum (pancreatic secretions) Intestine (enterocytes - peptidases)

7 Digestion of proteins Stomach Small intestine

8 Digestion of fats Triglycerides (neutral fats) fatty acids and 2 monoglycerides In blood: Triglycerides fatty acids and glycerol

9 Digestion of fats Sources Area of breakdown -emulsion
Dietary - animal and plants Area of breakdown -emulsion Mechanical disruption by stomach Small intestine (bile emulsifies triglycerides, lipase converts them into fatty acid and monoglyceride) Lecithin prevents reaggregation Digestion of triglycerides by pancreatic lipase

10 Digestion of fats Small intestine Blood

11 Enterohepatic circulation
Bile pathway Liver, common hepatic duct, gall bladder (storage) Common bile duct, duodenum, sphincter of Oddi Absorption (95%), hepatic portal vein, liver Common Hepatic Duct

12 Fluid absorption ~ 8.2 liters of fluid into the tract (98.5% is absorbed) Input Intake 1.5L, salivary gland 1.0L, stomach 1.5L, liver 1.0L, pancreas 1.0L, small intestine 2.0L, colon 0.2L Absorbed Small intestine 7.2L, colon 0.85L Output Feces 0.15L

13 Absorption Monosaccharides Amino acids
co-transported with sodium by protein transporters Amino acids similar mechanism

14 Absorption of lipids Fatty acids and monoglycerides diffuse into cell
Converted to triglyceride Enter ER and Golgi - chylomicron Exocytosis into lacteal Eventually empty into neck veins

15 Absorption in the colon
Proximal Sodium is actively absorbed Distal Secretion of bicarbonate (neutralizes acid from bacterial action) Absorption of chloride Resultant gradient allows passive water absorption leading to dry feces

16 Absorption in the colon

17 Disorders of the colon Constipation Diarrhea Decreased colon motility
Colon distention with fiber Laxatives: decrease water absorption Diarrhea Increased colon motility, irritants Decrease in water absorption, or water secretion into the tract

18 Lactose intolerance Small intestine

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