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The Renaissance and Reformation

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1 The Renaissance and Reformation 1300-1600
Chapter 6

2 State Standards European Exploration & Conquest and Columbian Exchange World Religions Emerging Global System

3 Essential Questions What is an Indulgence? Define Renaissance.
Who are the Humanists, and what did they study? What was “The Prince” about? Who Created the Printing Press, and why was it so important? Define Reformation, and what pushed them to reform? Who is Martin Luther? What was the Counter-Reformation?

4 Renaissance Renaissance- “Rebirth” was both a philosophical and artistic movement and the era when that movement flourished. Humanists- Renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman literature and life.

5 The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

6 Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

7 Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man Above David to the Right by Michelangelo

8 Renaissance Causes Crusades and trade brought Byzantine, African, and Arab achievements in science and medicine to Italy. These factors encouraged curiosity- began to search for better ways.

9 Niccolo Machiavelli

10 Niccolo Machiavelli Florentine diplomat & Historian- 1469 to 1527
Essay- The Prince Argued that a ruler should be concerned only with power and political success. Controversy- is it better to be loved or feared. Hard to achieve both Men will take advantage of a loved and not feared ruler.

11 Painters Developed perspective paintings- life like Best painters
Leonardo Da Vinci- architect, engineer, painter, sculptor, scientist Pictures of flying machine and submarine Michelangelo Painter, sculptor Sistine Chapel of the Vatican- Pope lives in Rome

12 New Ideas and Inventions
Spread of ideas through the Printing Press Created by Johannes Gutenberg Used to make copies of the Bible By 1475 most large European nations had printing presses Spread new humanist ideas to a large audience Ideas of classical civilizations

13 Gutenberg & Printing Press


15 The Protestant Reformation
In the 1500’s northern humanists argued that the Roman Catholic Church had lost sight of its spiritual mission. Reformation- the split in the church in western Europe. The basic reason for the Reformation was a disagreements with the practices of the Catholic Church.

16 Causes Ignored concerns
Church Humanists Claimed church was more concerned with its income, rather than saving souls. Pope was acting like a ruler, rather than a moral leader Wanted a new emphasis on personal faith and spirituality Ignored concerns Church only would associate with people who had the same beliefs Ignored Humanists totally

17 How It Started Germany was the first to split-
Pope Leo X wanted money to rebuild St. Peter’s Basilica Germany was asked to pay Indulgences Indulgences- pardons from punishment for sin. Martin Luther- Luther a Priest who left the Catholic church. Revelation new insight and created Lutheranism Taught that ceremonies and good deeds made no difference in saving a sinner. Only thing that counted was the inner faith in god. Simple faith could lead everyone to salvation “Justification by grace through faith”

18 Martin Luther

19 Door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg to which, by one account, Luther nailed his Ninety- Five Theses on 31 October 1517, sparking the Reformation.

20 Martin Luther’s First Created Bible

21 Luther’s Challenge Asking people for money, for false promises of forgiveness was an error by the church. 1517- Posted the 95 theses, or statements, about indulgences on the church door. Did not think this would break the church, he wanted reform. Then he was denounced and excommunicated

22 Luther’s Challenge Used the Printing Press to spread his ideas faster.
He believed that God viewed all people of faith equally. Luther considered his church “a priesthood of all believers.” Holy Roman Emperor Charles V- Told Luther to Abandon his ideas kept him locked up and fed him worms Luther rewrote the Bible in German Protest would lead to the name “Protestants.”

23 Anglican Church Break between England and the Roman Catholic Church
King Henry VIII Wanted a divorce- Pope would not grant it Wife could not have any more kids Created the Anglican Church in England – The King was the Ruler “Defender of the Faith”- helped argue against Luther- would later adopt some of the ideas and would pave the way for Protestant Churches in England

24 Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Christ at Canterbury Now Church of England

25 Calvinism John Calvin Founded a Protestant Church Strict followers, believed in self-discipline Moved to Geneva- created Calvinism Theocracy- government ruled by religious leaders who claimed God’s authority.

26 John Calvin

27 Counter-Reformation Also called the Catholic Reformation- 1530’s a major reform. Church put emphasis on spiritual matters Doctrines clearer Campaigned to stop Protestantism Inquisition to Rome Burning at the Stake- Keep people Catholic Index of forbidden Books- banded books Created the Jesuits- loyal followers who took a vow of chastity, poverty, and obedience to the pope. Spread Catholicism like a military body

28 A session of the Council of Trent

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