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Low-flows and livelihoods (R8171)

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Presentation on theme: "Low-flows and livelihoods (R8171)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Low-flows and livelihoods (R8171)

2 Review of Project Policy background
water watershed forest and water Activities and outputs of the project Broad policy objectives Identified Potential Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

3 National Water Policy The National Water Policy of India although recommends the integrated watershed management as well as integrated river basin planning and management However, the implementation is either faulty or totally missing Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

4 Watershed Management Programmes
Does not follow sound scientific basis to identify the requirements of the local areas Does not take into consideration the inter-linkages between the watersheds Does not have any evaluation process to assess the level of fulfillment of set objectives Does not have any mechanism of generating alternative scenarios No mechanism of integration between departments No way of sustainability assessment Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

5 Forest and Water Indian forestry and water sectors have firm beliefs
every forest increase water availability forest attract rain Contrary to forest hydrology research in most cases forest consume water no link with rain at local level Forest and water beliefs base policy and practice water, forestry, watershed policy documents wrong interventions in watershed near closure Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

6 Unified Framework: the only answer
Creation of an unified framework for water-related information Shall map the areas starting from micro-watersheds to river basin level Modelling shall provide the assessment of water quantity in space and time Local participation and consensus through scenario generation and sustainability assessment Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

7 Unified Framework the only answer….
The unified framework shall Provide opportunity for integration of information pertaining to line departments Act as a tool for legislation for actions taken by stake holders at various levels Sustainability assessment at local and higher levels Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

8 Corroboration World Bank: has recommended the similar approach in their water policy on India KAWAD and APRLP: also recommends that an integrated approach needs to be implemented Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

9 R-8171 Project Research Funded under the FRP (DFID)
Lead Collaborators: CLUWRR, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne and IIT Delhi Other Partners: WII, RRL-Bhopal, NIT-Hamirpur, Sandesh (NGO) Support organisations: CSTE, Shimla; NRDMS, DST Low Base Flows and Livelihoods in India Providing scientific backup to the local level planning GIS based dissemination tools (Web-based) Socio-economic: livelihoods, institutions and policy Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

10 Pilot Watershed in HP/MP
Provide scientific backup to the local level planning Create framework on the pilot level Generate water resource information Integrate socio-economic information Develop GIS based dissemination tools Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

11 Pilot watershed - Himachal Pradesh
Watershed of Interest – Hamirpur with sub watershed with Drainage Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

12 Watershed of Interest – Madhya Pradesh
Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

13 Dudhi ( 60 ha - treated) – Bewas (75 ha - untreated) Watersheds
Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

14 Socio-economic Component
Watershed Case Studies (HP/M) water, forest and livelihoods in watershed project institutional framework in pilot areas Forest and water narratives Institutional and policy analysis state level institutions and policies central level institutions and policies donor policies Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

Pilot Watershed. Improved biophysical understanding of water resources and livelihoods (GIS) Policy & Institutions. Tracing of water policies & investigation of institutional practices Dissemination Tool. Demonstration of policy based scenarios & evaluation DEVELOPMENT OF A MECHANISM FOR POLICY ACTION Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

16 Strategy for Policy Action
Promotion of the general philosophy (institutions, public) Showcase the above strategy on pilot scale but using the existing institutional structure at ALL levels Two pilot watersheds have been taken in two states (MP and HP) Framework for integration and dissemination of information for the pilot area Tools for resource assessment and evaluation of watershed interventions on livelihoods Capacity building project partners (NGO /NIR, RRL technology) Institutional research (understanding and involving) watershed/block/district/state/centre Web base tools for dissemination Convergence with other projects into a base-line technology Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

17 Centre and HP Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018
RAPID Workshop

18 Broad Policy Objectives
Integrated framework for water-related information at all levels Address the problem of departmental coordination Review sectoral policies and introduce legislation when necessary forest and water scientific basis of watershed interventions groundwater and recharge Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

19 Areas for Policy Objectives
Centre Himachal Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Donors International organisations Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

20 Strategy for Policy Action
Promotion of the general philosophy (institutions, public) Showcase the above strategy on pilot scale but using the existing institutional structure at ALL levels Two pilot watersheds have been taken in two states (MP and HP) Framework for integration and dissemination of information for the pilot area Tools for resource assessment and evaluation of watershed interventions on livelihoods Capacity building project partners (NGO /NIR, RRL technology) Institutional research (understanding and involving) watershed/block/district/state/centre Web base tools for dissemination Convergence with other projects into a base-line technology Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018 RAPID Workshop

21 Thank You Wednesday, November 14, 2018Wednesday, November 14, 2018
RAPID Workshop

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