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2nd Grade News and Homework August 28th – September 1st

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1 2nd Grade News and Homework August 28th – September 1st
Name:________________ Parent Signature:_________________ 2nd Grade News and Homework August 28th – September 1st Reminders Second grade’s library day will be on Thursdays! September 7th – Grandparent’s Day breakfast Elem Café Don’t forget to sign up for Class Dojo! See Homeroom teacher for more details! Please send headphones for your child if you haven’t! We will use these several times a week! Peek at the Week Reading: We will be reading “My Family”-pgs in the reading book. Limit your child to only 20 minutes of reading a night. Read and study the vocabulary words on pages 34 and 35. Writing: We will identify complete and incomplete sentences and spell words with short /o/, /u/, and /e/ sounds. Our Phonics Test will be Friday, September 1st. Math: This week we will be moving on to Unit 2 which covers place value.  In 2nd grade we learn place value up to 1,200. Science: We will be talking about Safety in the Science Lab and Tools that scientist use Social Studies: N/A All homeroom classes reached their goal of earning 600 total Dojo points , and received a treat during their fun Friday time! #braggingdragon Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Homework Packet sent home! Homework Packet Due! Library Day Reading Tests Phonics Test Homework Grade Thursday ___ Friday ___ Monday ___ After Monday

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