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Economic Systems Economics (Economy)- is the study of how things are made and brought to them; (i.e. buying, making and selling of goods and services)

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Systems Economics (Economy)- is the study of how things are made and brought to them; (i.e. buying, making and selling of goods and services)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Systems Economics (Economy)- is the study of how things are made and brought to them; (i.e. buying, making and selling of goods and services) Economic System- System of economic activity in a country, region or community. The way a nation/country uses its resources to satisfy people’s needs and wants. Every economic system has to answer three (3) basic questions: What to produce (make)? How to produce (make) it? For Whom to produce (make) it?

2 Characteristics of Economic Systems
Market Economy Traditional Economy Most decisions are based on habits Technology use is limited Choices are based on customs People often do the jobs their parents and grandparents did Decisions and prices are made based on supply and demand Individuals have a say in what is made (supply) Consumers have choices about what goods and services to buy (demand) Command Economy Government makes all key economic decisions Government decides the cost of products Government decides the wages (what worker’s are paid) Individual have little economic freedom (little to no say in what is made)

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