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Economic Development.

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1 Economic Development

2 Indicators of Development
Human Development Index – developed by UN in 1990 as a tool for ranking countries based on their level of economic development More developed nations, less developed nations. Newly industrialized, emerging economies

3 Demographic Indicators
Life expectancy – average number of years an individual in the country is expected to live. Affected by country’s level of poverty, diet and malnutrition, number of doctors, disease Birth and Death Rates – measured by how many people are born or die for every thousand people in that nation in a given year. Also known as mortality rate. Generally, high birth and mortality rates indicate a less developed country. Infant Mortality Rate – number of infants who die for every 1,000 births. Closely related to level of medical care.

4 1. What demographic indicators would a more developed nation have
1. What demographic indicators would a more developed nation have? What about a less developed nation? Use the three indicators of birth rate, mortality rates, and life expectancy.

5 Economic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total value of all goods and services produced by a nation in a year. Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP/#of people) reflects the value of goods and services produced in a year in a nation by an average person.

6 2. How would the GDP look in a more developed nation? Less developed?
Why? What do people have in more developed nations have that allows for a higher GDP?

7 Complete first column of worksheet, then find HDI of countries listed

8 Social Indicators Literacy rates Education rates
Percentage of people attending colleges and universities Housing, water supply, sanitation

9 Types of Economic Activities
Primary Economic Activities Secondary Economic Activities Tertiary Economic Activiteis Quaternary Economic Activities

10 Primary Economic Activities
The most basic (primary) economic activities in all societies involve production of foods and extraction of resources. Growing crops, raising livestock, logging, mining, etc. The smaller the portion of people involved in primary economic activities, the greater the likelihood the country’s economy is more developed Only 3% of US labor force in currently engaged in primary sector activities

11 Secondary Economic Activity
The manufacture and production of goods such as making of textiles and furniture Add value to raw materials by processing them or changing their form Logs are cut into wooden planks and then assembled into furniture; iron ore into steel and then into railroad tracks.

12 Tertiary Economic Activity
Third level economic activities deal with services performed by people and businesses Teacher, nurse, doctor, accountant, retailer, truck driver, musician In US, 80% of labor force are tertiary workers.

13 Quaternary Economic Activity
Information processing and management – computer programmer or general manager of a company

14 3. Create this chart in your notes and fill in the types of economic activity you think countries with different levels of economic development would have. Levels of Economic Development Types of Economic Activity Less Developed Newly Industrialized More Developed ?

15 Using proper paragraph development (Thesis, Evidence, Analysis, Conclusion) respond to this prompt.
Is there a correlation to a state’s economic development level and Human Development Index to its form of government?

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