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Working Toward a More Inclusive R/Finance Community

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1 Working Toward a More Inclusive R/Finance Community
library(dplyr) r-ladies_global %>% filter(city == 'Chicago' | city == ‘New York’) Working Toward a More Inclusive R/Finance Community June 2, 2018

2 Hello! We’re proud R-Ladies Soumya Angela
Our names are Angela and Soumya. We founded the R-Ladies Chicago and R-Ladies New York Meetups. You can find us on Twitter.

3 Worldwide organization that promotes gender diversity in the R community via meetups and mentorship in a friendly and safe environment R-Ladies is a worldwide organisation to promote gender diversity in the R community. Our mission is to achieve proportionate representation by encouraging, inspiring and empowering the minorities currently underrepresented in the R community.

4 Q: Why do you need a separate R users group for women?
Different R-Ladies organizers have different answers to this question. Here’s a great explanation by Kelly O’Briant of the R-Ladies DC group: “R-Ladies isn’t a separate R users group for women. It’s an R users group and it’s organized by women. Our core mission is to encourage more female and non-binary identifying people to learn, share their work and journey, contribute to, and become leaders in the R community.” This is the R-Ladies mission, but it can also be part of your community mission!”

5 R-Ladies Global Mission:
Community | Conversation | Instruction | Teaching Experience | Speaking Experience | Networking | Mentorship | Friendship


7 R-Ladies Meetups have a Code of Conduct

8 Code of Conduct (taken from R-Ladies Global)
Find this online at: If you are being harassed by a member/guest/participant of/at R-Ladies, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact the Founding Members via Local incidents will be handled together with the local organisers. R-Ladies is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. This code of conduct applies to all R- Ladies spaces, including meetups, Twitter, Slack, mailing lists, both online and offline. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of the Founding Members. Other guidelines (for allies): First and foremost, this is a space for women. Respect that, and let women speak first. Realize that your voice might overpower someone else.

9 Why is having a Code of Conduct is important?
- set guidelines for behavior at meetups to encourage diversity in thought and approach from the audience. - build a strong community focused on quality discourse on moving diversity forward.

10 R-Ladies New York Number of R-LADIES
Events: Talks featuring New York R-Ladies Book Club Socials and workshops Check us out on

11 R-Ladies Chicago Number of R-LADIES
Events: Talks featuring Chicago R-Ladies Interactive data hackathons Community meetings Study groups Check us out on

12 Diversity Call to Action
Be inclusive Create a Diverse Culture: Hire more diverse individuals in your respective teams to bring all minority folks into this field. Make a directed effort to encourage to bring represent diversity in conferences/meetups. Have the difficult conversations: Be open to having getting feedback and actively address shortcomings. I think we elaborate here but I wanted to make sure we emphasized that we are here to ask them to consider to be more thoughtful

13 Let us move forward together:
Come find us and share your feedback from the conference. Engage Organizations like R-Ladies, Women in Machine Learning and Data Science etc to help push diversity forward in meetups and your workplace. Thank you to R in Finance committee organizers for giving us this slot and we look forward to continuing this dialogue!

14 Reach out! || @CivicAngela
|| @SK_convergence

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