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Studying Social Problems Source: Odd Stuff Magazine.

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Presentation on theme: "Studying Social Problems Source: Odd Stuff Magazine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studying Social Problems Source: Odd Stuff Magazine

2 What is a Social Problem Anyway?
Source: Odd Stuff Magazine

3 “A social problem is a social condition that a segment of society views as harmful to members of society, and is need of remedy” (Mooney, Knox, and Schacht, 2017, p. 5). Source: Odd Stuff Magazine

4 Sociological Imagination (C. Wright Mills)
Our personal lives are interwoven with a society’s history. Private troubles are public issues embedded in a society’s organization and culture. Source: History in Pictures

5 Wait, Why Do Social Problems Exist?
Structural Functionalism Society is a stable organism with functioning interrelated parts To maintain stability, society forces social control over people When there is a dysfunction in one part of society this affects other parts of society Anomie occurs when people have weak social ties due to societal disorganization and weak social controls

6 Wait, Why Do Social Problems Exist?
Conflict Theory Society is in a constant power struggle over valuable resources and opposing interests Dominant group is in a position of power to exploit minority group Inequalities are embedded in society especially the economic capitalist system Alienation occurs when people experience powerlessness over their lives and work

7 Wait, Why Do Social Problems Exist?
Symbolic Interactionism Language is used to communicate meanings and interactions Social construction of reality occurs when people create a shared meaning of life Moral entrepreneurs influence our ideas about what is labeled as good and bad Positive and negative labels shape our self- identities and how we interact with others

8 “A social problem negatively impacts a large number of people in a society, is embedded within the social structure of a society, and there is widespread agreement about its problematic nature” (R. Pires). Source: Odd Stuff Magazine

9 So, How Are Social Problems Recognized?
Herbert Blumer’s Social Problems Stages Societal Recognition Social Legitimation Mobilization of Action Development and Implementation of a Plan Source: Odd Stuff Magazine

10 Ok. Well, How Do Sociologists Study Social Problems?
Source: Odd Stuff Magazine


12 Paddling Our Way Through the Semester: Economic Issues Up Next

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